全球治理、国际组织、区域合作和“一带一路”是CCG全球化研究领域的重要组成部分。作为中国最早以全球化命名的智库,CCG创办了“中国与全球化论坛”并设置全球化相关国际议题;在海内外举办了“WTO改革”、“多边治理”、“一带一路”等专题研讨会,把“一带一路”这一主题首次带到国际安全与治理领域的世界高规格会议——慕尼黑安全会议。基于多年对全球化领域的全面研究,CCG发布出版了《“一带一路”的国际合作共赢方案及实现路径》,《全球化与逆全球化》、《全球化向何处去:大变局与中国策》等研究报告和图书,其中Edward Elgar 出版社出版的Handbook on China and Globalization是为数不多的由智库在国际权威学术出版社出版的全英文书籍。CCG提出的两项倡议入选首届巴黎和平论坛,为中国智库更充分参与全球治理与国际合作开拓了崭新模式。此外,CCG与WTO、UN 、经济合作国家组织(OECD)、世界银行、国际货币基金组织(IMF)等众多国际组织、国际智库和相关机构建立了良好的长效合作机制。
作者 | 沈诗伟,全球化智库(CCG)特邀研究员
2018年11月29日 -
凤凰网财经讯(杨越欣)2018年11月16日-17日,由全球化智库(CCG)、中国国际经济合作学会和三亚市政府共同主办,中国美国商会和中国欧盟商会协办,联合国工业与发展组织作为支持单位的第五届中国企业全球化论坛在三亚海棠湾红树林度假酒店举行。会后联合国驻华协调员,联合国开发计划署驻华代表罗世礼,就中国与世界技术引进与中国深化对外开放等话题,接受了凤凰网财经的独家专访。 罗世礼向凤凰网财经介绍称,在中国过去四十年的改革开放中,联合国开发计划署扮演的的一个重要角色,是通过引入国际经验和技术援助,促进技术转移,支持中国改革开放政策。如今,中国也开始举办自身的高科技生产能力,世界上许多其他国家需要了解中国在工业化和基础设施建设领域的技术经验。因此,联合国开发计划署的角色也发生了改变。“现在我们的使命是,除了给中国提供国际发展经验,也帮助其他国家了解中国的技术。” 对于中国在今后的发展中面临的挑战,罗世礼认为,过去几十年全球化的过程中,世界各国都是受益者。虽然每个国家的情况不尽相同,也有一些国家的某些群体没有从全球化中受益,但普遍来讲全球化不仅使中国,也包括其他国家实现了贸易和投资的爆发增长。 罗世礼表示,目前中国面临的新形势在于,所谓发展不仅包括经济的增长,更要使所有人真正从中受益,包括为更多人提供就业,为公民提供更好的社会服务。他特别提到了2016年国务院印发并实施的《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》,其中提出“推进健康中国建设,是全面建成小康社会、基本实现社会主义现代化的重要基础,是全面提升中华民族健康素质、实现人民健康与经济社会协调发展的国家战略,是积极参与全球健康治理、履行2030年可持续发展议程国际承诺的重大举措。” 另一个挑战则是全球气候变化。2015年12月,中国参与签订了全球首个关于气候变化的协定《巴黎协定》,承诺将加强对气候变化威胁的全球应对,把全球平均气温较工业化前水平升高控制在2摄氏度之内,并为把升温控制在1.5摄氏度之内。 罗世礼对凤凰网财经说道,“如果我们不能有效控制气候变暖问题,世界在接下来的几十年中将变得非常糟糕。”他表示,目前中国在低碳经济方面已经采取许多措施,但是看到实际效果的产生还需要时间。中国今后还需要不断发展相关技术,持续在新能源和清洁能源领域进行投入,并且推动整个供应链的转型升级和可持续消费。 中国已经是世界第二大经济体,在经济领域对全球都具有巨大影响力。罗世礼认为,在当前国际形势较为紧张的背景下,中国应该继续创设新的平台促进全球贸易增长,尤其是与发展中国家之间的贸易。“我们今天在论坛上也在探讨中国过去40年改革开放的经验,”罗世礼表示,中国应当加强国际规则的制定,鼓励本土企业工业融入海外市场,为更多发展中国家提供帮助,以提升其供应链和制造业质量。 文章选自凤凰网,2018年11月17日
2018年11月27日 -
2018年11月9日 -
US steel, aluminum tariffs set to hurt its standing at WTO
Major economies challenge steel, aluminum tariffs The US could see lasting damage to its economy and its standing at the WTO, as major economies push forward their legal fight against US tariffs on steel and aluminum products at the global trade body, Chinese analysts said on Wednesday.Opposition to punitive trade measures launched by US President Donald Trump is picking up pace at the WTO, and analysts said it could end up dealing a major blow to the country that once championed the multilateral trade body.At a meeting of the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on Monday, seven major economies, including China, the EU, Canada and Mexico, submitted separate requests for the organization to set up a panel to examine whether the US’ tariffs of 10 percent on aluminum products and 25 percent on steel goods violate WTO rules."While the US claims the measures at issue were taken because of national security reasons, to the complainants it appears that the duties, in their content and substance, were taken as safeguard measures," the DSB said in a document. He Weiwen, a former Chinese trade official, said the move to request a panel of experts is a "natural" step that is in line with DSB procedures because bilateral consultations between the countries and the US have failed."The move itself is very normal. It’s just following procedures," He, who is now a senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization(CCG) in Beijing, told the Global Times on Wednesday. "But it is significant when seven major economies, including allies, are challenging you at the same time."At the meeting, the EU said the fact that one country was targeted by seven complaints in one day was "unprecedented" and "a sign of the degree of objection the US actions were eliciting from members," according to the DSB document. China also said that the "tariffs, taken under the guise of national security, are obviously and egregiously inconsistent" with WTO rules.The US rejected the requests for setting up a panel and argued that "it is simply not the role of the WTO to review a sovereign nation’s judgment of its essential security interests." The US further warned that such a step by the DSB would undermine its legitimacy and "even the viability of the WTO."Lasting damageBut Chinese analysts said that it is the US’ reputation and standing at the WTO that is most at risk, not the legitimacy of the WTO."No doubt, the US has been one of the most powerful voices, if not the most powerful, in the WTO and it has benefited greatly from its influence… But increasingly, the US is showing a pattern where it does not follow WTO rules when they don’t serve its interests," said Bai Ming, deputy director of the Ministry of Commerce’s International Market Research Institute.Bai told the Global Times on Wednesday that although reforms in certain areas are required, the WTO will remain important, despite talk in the US about the diminished role of the multilateral body. He also said it will be hard for the US to maintain its strong voice in a body that it disrespects.Trade officials from 13 WTO members, including the EU, Australia, Japan and South Korea, convened a meeting last week in Canada to focus on WTO reforms. In a joint communiqué, the trade officials took apparent aim at the US, saying "we are deeply concerned by recent developments in international trade, particularly the rise in protectionism, which negatively affect the WTO and put the entire multilateral trading system at risk.""For [the US administration], this might be just about winning short-term gains and winning votes in elections, but the broader implications will last," He said. From Global Times ,2018-10-31
2018年11月2日 -
王义桅:维护多边贸易体系 中欧合作很关键