庞中英,CCG特邀高级研究员,中国海洋大学海洋发展研究院院长 目前,新的全球经济规则,甚至新的全球经济秩序,正在以下几类大事件中形成。 第一是已经签字组成、但是尚未生效的11国的跨太平洋伙伴关系。人们都知道,没有了美国的TPP,即CPTPP的规模大大缩小。但是,实际上也不小,因为包括了日本这个全球级的国家经济体,更有一系列中等经济体,以及关键的其实并不小的经济体(如新加坡)。 第二是墨迹未干的北美三国协定(这个协定需要美墨加三国议会批准)。特朗普治下的美国退出TPP后,强行要求重谈“北美自贸协定”(NAFTA)。请注意,这是“重谈”,并不是颠覆NAFTA。墨西哥最先被美国说服,加拿大最后也不得不接受。特朗普政府速战速决,改名NAFTA成功,NAFTA变成《美墨加协议》(USMCA)。在名字中,“自由贸易协定”(FTA)消失了,且加了符合特朗普政府奉行的、喜欢和追求的“经济民族主义”的东西,尤其是,所谓“公平”、“对等”等。中国评论界不要仅仅注意这个三国协定的“毒丸”(poison pill)条款——即针对“非市场国家”(请注意不是“非市场经济体”)的条款,而忽略三国协定的其他全球意义。 原来NAFTA与WTO在冷战一结束的并存,就为全球各地的其他自贸协定开了头。在过去20多年,三边以上的FTA几乎遍布世界各地,全球贸易治理不断“碎片化”。如今,美墨加三国协定替代原来的北美自贸协定,是否将开启新的替代自贸协定的过程?这个可能的趋势不能排除。 我的看法是:无论是CPTPP还是USMCA,最值得我们注意的不是别的,而是这些安排在国际规则或者国际治理方面的影响:对其他方面产生的各种效应:示范、排除打击、竞争、合作,以及影响未来的国际竞争规则的形成。 第三,CPTPP和USMCA使WTO改革更加迫切。今年6月在加拿大夏洛瓦发表的《G7公报》,以及阿根廷为轮值主席国的G20进程等很多场合,WTO的改革都被强调,由此可见其急迫性。真正在“全球经济”中具有“系统重要性”的国家或者国家集团(尤其是欧盟),急于改革WTO。关于WTO的改革,有的国家当然不愿意。但是, 如上述,WTO在其诞生的第一天就带着缺陷、局限,而一系列的自贸协定(FTA),就因为WTO治理天下贸易的不足而产生。WTO问世后23年后的今天,不改革的WTO正在越来越失去其相关性。WTO改革主要是为了确定新的全球经济(至少是贸易)规则。 如果说TPP和USMCA是生产更多全球经济规则的安排,那么,一些谈判时间已经很长、仍然追求“自由贸易协定”的谈判,却可能对未来全球经济规则的形成方面影响不大。这些谈判主要是为了扩大参加国家之间的相互贸易,并没有在全球经济规则的未来安排上发挥作用的雄心和目标。 由东盟10个国家和印度、中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰组成的 16国《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》号称一旦结束谈判,将形成全球最大的自由贸易区。第6次RCEP部长级会议10月13日在新加坡散发给新闻界的《联合声明》中指出:各方将致力于“实质性地结束”(Substantial conclusion)今年年底的谈判。 我们知道,这16国RCEP的初衷并不是为了塑造全球经济规则,而是为了构建稳定的共同市场。东盟发挥了其“中心性”(ASEAN’s Centrality)作用,发起和促进RCEP的安排。当前的WTO危机和大国之间的“贸易战”让东盟深感不安,也开始感受其不良后果。在外部市场的确定性上,东盟更加需要RCEP。但东盟除了追求自身的经济共同体,其一些成员国参加了CPTPP。而日本则以CPTPP为中心塑造未来的全球经济规则,RCEP也对日本只具有开拓地区市场的意义。如同墨西哥或者加拿大,韩国不敢与特朗普政府的美国搞坏关系,已经与美国重订贸易协定,加上与欧盟的自贸协定,韩国不用过分担心全球经济规则的不确定性。至于澳大利亚和新西兰,从来都是寄希望于WTO及其改革,以维持规则为基础的全球经济秩序,这毫无疑问。当年的“亚太”,澳大利亚最终失望,今日的RCEP对他们也是聊胜于无。对RCEP需求最大的是中国和印度。因为中国和印度不仅不在TPP,而且与美国存在贸易冲突。 总之,本文的看法是,在高度聚焦“贸易战”的时候,人们要看到,未来的全球经济规则仍然在形成中。“贸易战”并没有导致国际秩序和全球治理的失控。关于这一点,人们应该有充分的信心。未来的世界仍然是有秩序的,即规则为基础的。不过,世界各方之间的争论围绕着应该建构什么样的秩序、以及如何构建秩序展开。值得我们注意的是,一些上面提到的已有安排,尽管在某个“区域”之内,但却具有引领世界经济秩序、塑造全球经济新的竞争规则的作用。这提醒我们,诸如“一带一路”等中国推进的全球经济安排,更要有紧迫感,也要追求治理全球经济新的国际规则和国际规范。 文章选自政治学与国际关系论坛,2018年10月16日
2018年10月19日 -
刁大明:黑莉辞职别有深意 入主白宫的良机可能在10年后
刁大明、全球化智库(CCG)特邀研究员、 中国人民大学国际关系学院副教授
2018年10月18日 -
Xu Fangqing: A decisive step to be nailed down in Korean Peninsula
By Xu Fangqing, a non-resident fellow at the Center for China and Globalization(CCG) and a senior editor with China News Week. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo finally made his fourth "successful" Pyongyang visit on October 7, where he was warmly welcomed by top Democratic People’s Republic of Korea leader (DPRK) Kim Jong Un. The trip which was originally scheduled at the end of August was cancelled last minute by US President Donald Trump due to his "disappointment" over DPRK’s efforts to fulfill the promise of "complete and verifiable" denuclearization. The overall five-hour journey on Sunday including a lunch with DPRK leader was a high-standard reception compared to Pompeo’s last Pyongyang visit. In fact, US Vice President Mike Pence, during his last Pyongyang trip in February, didn’t even get to meet Kim. Both sides spoke highly of this meeting and Pompeo himself claimed a "victory" for his stop in Pyongyang. Pompeo hailed "significant progress" and said they were "pretty close" to agreeing details for a second summit between Kim and Trump "as soon as possible" depending on the political climate in the US. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets with Kim Yong Chol, DPRK ’s senior official at the Park Hwa Guest House in Pyongyang, July 7, 2018. /VCG Photo But the second Kim-Trump meet would be different from the landmark Singapore summit that was held in June this year. Reason? US midterm elections! It could be the perfect showtime for Trump administration and Republicans to flaunt their achievements and abilities to the US voters. Therefore, during the much-anticipated second Kim-Trump summit many substantial issues could be on the table with huge expectations on both sides. As an envoy of president Trump, Pompeo branded his visit as a "step forward" in further normalizing the situation in the Korean Peninsula. During the much-talked-about visit, both sides discussed the timing and logistics of the next Kim-Trump summit, and expressed their sincerity towards holding the top-level meeting. The DPRK has also agreed to allow US inspectors into its defunct Punggyeri atomic testing site. The key nuclear testing site was shut five months ago by the DPRK in order to live up to the US’ condition of verifiable denuclearization As part of his delegation to Pyongyang, Pompeo brought along Stephen Biegun, his special representative to DPRK and the diplomat who’s expected to take on more of the day-to-day negotiating with his counterpart and DPRK vice foreign minister Choe Son Hui. This mechanism would bring benefits to the process of negotiations and preserve the achievements made during the past several months. The two special representatives are also expected to deliberate on further details of the second Kim-Trump summit. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (L) with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi (R) at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing, October 8, 2018. /VCG Photo The fulfillment of the second Kim-Trump summit would at least be a signal that the consensus on some of the key issues regarding the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula has been reached. And as we have mentioned above, the next Kim-Trump summit may not be far away, as the US midterm election is scheduled for November and Pompeo also said it could be "pretty close". However, the historic peace process of the Korean Peninsula takes not only the courage of innovative leaders, but also practical tactics especially considering the complicated situation in the region. Therefore, US State Secretary’s Asian trip also covered Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing. Obviously, US doesn’t take the Korean issue as a simple bilateral business which could be tackled with several meetings between the leaders of two countries. During the joint press conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK) President Moon Jae-in said that he would like to see another summit between DPRK and Russia, another historical and realistic player in the region. And it won’t be a bold assumption that a DPRK-Japan summit is possible as well. Setbacks are not inevitable on the way to the final verified denuclearization in the region without the support of the key concerning sides like China. However, the meeting between Pompeo and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi demonstrated the tensions as the two largest economies are in fierce trade disputes. US Secretary of State expressed frankly that the two countries now had "fundamental disagreements". Without China’s support, we see little chances to make real and irreversible progress on the denuclearization no matter how many breakthroughs US and DPRK have made until now, and in the future, as both sides still lack strategic trust. As an irreplaceable country in the region, China could provide the guarantee for the trust and agreement between US and DPRK. It would take much more efforts to balance the relations of all sides in the region before reaching ideal results. An effective bilateral mechanism is badly needed and so is a multilateral communications mechanism. This is the only way we could witness a positive outcome of the second Kim-Trump summit and even a new history for the Korean Peninsula. From CGTN, 2018-10-10
2018年10月12日 -
Martin Jacques: Message to Washington: US does not rule the world
By Martin Jacques, a senior fellow of CCG, and a British journalist, editor, academic, political commentator and author of When China Rules the World.
2018年10月10日 -
专家简介 徐洪才,CCG特邀高级研究员、中国国际经济交流中心副总经济师。 北京时间9月27日凌晨,美联储将公布9月利率决议,目前市场普遍预计将加息25个基点;然而自2015年12月17日美联储率首次加息以来,尽管加息7次,也仅加息了1.75%;同时,本次若如预期再次加息,加上每年12月份板上钉钉的加息,美联储今年或加息4次,这也创本次加息周期以来的单年最频繁加息记录。那么,美联储如此频繁且大幅的加息意味着什么?对美国而言此举是否正确?又会对全球资本市场造成哪些影响? 美元若不继续加息面临风险更大 美联储加快加息步伐的主要原因是由于其宏观经济面的影响。核心通胀率是美联储评估通胀前景和决定利率政策时参考的重要经济指标,此前美联储将通胀目标设定在2%,而9月13日显示的美国核心通胀率为2.2%、通胀率为2.7%。加上今年第一季度数据显示,美国失业率接近18年来的最低水平,这些都在表明美国经济的运行状况良好。 未来随美国就业市场继续改善推动薪资水平上升,以及美国政府对许多进口产品加征关税导致原材料成本上升,美国通胀压力将继续上升,股市泡沫进一步加大,如果后续美国不继续渐进加息,其所面临的风险将更大。 中国央行不会跟进美联储的加息 总体来看,因为中国经济基本面总体平稳、有韧性、回旋余地大,可选择的政策工具多,加上此次美联储加息符合大众预期,市场对其加息的影响早已消化,因此风险可控,但也要做好市场预期管理,加大资本流出监管,注重提振内需,扩大消费和投资。 对中国股市来说,尽管美联储的加息将会是利空消息,但因为中国A股在底部徘徊时间较长,进一步下跌的空间非常小;另外,虽然美联储加息对中国楼市也将产生一些负面影响,但中国楼市问题的主要原因在其自身,房价过快上涨将进一步推动泡沫增加,这是潜在风险,目前各地也都纷纷采取了管控措施,维护市场的相对稳定,避免其大幅反弹。 未来中国央行不会跟进美联储的加息。就中国目前的经济形势来看,下行压力较大,只有减息可能,不会跟随加息。且中国政策具有独立性,因此央行后续会为保货币相对稳定,采取既不减息也不加息的态势,但是会加强资本流出的管控,引导市场预期,保持相对稳定。 美股暂时不会崩盘全球金融危机概率极低 美联储的加息,对全球资本市场的影响是分化的:对欧美、日本等发达经济体而言,因其整体经济运行良好,且抗冲击能力也非发展中国家所能比拟,因此不会造成太大的影响。但是对美国股市的进一步上扬、通胀有一定的抑制作用。美股正处在“史上最长牛市”,之所以能保持近10年的牛市,背后有一个重要的“大功臣”——美联储,目前美国经济正在高位运行,因此美股不会如现在很多人预料那样随着加息出现崩盘,但到2021年,可能会出现周期性回落。 而对于新兴市场、发展中国家来说,影响是偏负面的,随着美联储加息、美元的升值、资本回流美国,会进一步加剧新兴经济体货币贬值的压力。个别的、金融体系脆弱的国家已经出现或还将出现金融危机或货币危机,但这个危机是局部性的、非全局性的、在所难免的。大家一直担心的全球金融危机应该还不会爆发。 文章选自腾讯证券,2018年9月27日