CCG持续对企业全球化、 “走出去”和“引进来” 展开双向研究,以当前国际背景下的中美贸易、国际贸易、来华投资、对外投资、数字贸易为主题,进行分析、研究与解读。CCG 不断寻求更多力量来推动全球自由贸易发展,率先推动中国加入 CPTPP,并发布系列研究报告。此外,CCG 课题组常年编写国内唯一的“企业国际化蓝皮书”《中国企业全球化报告》,并在中国社会科学文献出版社出版。CCG还研发出版了《世界华商发展报告》、《大潮澎湃——中国企业“出海”四十年》、China Goes Global 、The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises 等企业全球化研究中英文图书系列。CCG还创办了国内最具影响力的专注于企业全球化发展的“中国企业全球化论坛”,围绕国际贸易与投资相关国际议题设置多场分论坛,云集国内外极具影响力的跨国公司领袖、驻华大使、前政要官员、国际组织与商会负责人、国际顶尖智库专家及知名学者深度研讨,已发展成为推动企业全球化发展的国际高端论坛。
导 语
2018年3月26日 -
Harvey Dzodin: Trump’s terrible trade tariff trifecta
In horseracing, picking the first three finishers in order is called a trifecta. It’s not easy to do and there are few winners. Never one to shy away from an opportunity to be self-congratulatory, United States President Donald Trump has modestly called himself “a stable genius.” He certainly contradicted this laughable self-analysis yet again last week when he followed through on a lose-lose campaign promise to create a terrible trade tariff trifecta in which China, US and the world could all lose. He did so by imposing a 25-percent tariff or tax on most imported steel and a 10-percent tariff on imported aluminum thereby firing the opening salvos in a trade war. Of equal importance, but less discussed, is that this move ominously reflects the altered dynamics in the US government in favor of economic nationalist trade hawks with their sharpened knives poised to strike China’s economic heart.
2018年3月14日 -
Trump ignores China’s efforts to pursue trade balance
US President Donald Trump’s Twitter request that China reduce its trade surplus is unrealistic and unreasonable, which ignores China’s on-going efforts to expand US imports to alleviate the trade imbalance, Chinese experts said.China’s trade surplus with the US further narrowed in February to $20.96 billion, slightly less than the $21.90 billion reported in January, according to data released by China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) on Thursday.Trump posted on Twitter on Wednesday that China had been asked to cut the trade imbalance by $1 billion this year. "China has been asked to develop a plan for the year of a one billion dollar reduction in their massive trade deficit with the US. Our relationship with China has been a very good one, and we look forward to seeing what ideas they come back with. We must act soon," Trump wrote.GAC data show that trade between China and the US reached 3.95 trillion yuan ($623.42 billion) last year. China’s exports to the US were up 14.5 percent to 2.91 trillion yuan, while imports from the US rose by 17.3 percent to 1.04 trillion yuan.Since taking office last year, Trump has been vigorously pushing to narrow his country’s trade deficit with China. However, the trade imbalance in not entirely in the hands of the government since trade itself is market driven, said He Weiwen, an executive council member at the China Society for the WTO."From this viewpoint, Trump’s request is really not reasonable or scientific," He told the Global Times on Thursday.Huo Jianguo, senior research fellow at the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and former director of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), said forcing a cut in the trade deficit makes no sense at all.Trump’s tweet is an attempt to showcase his "competence" but will only worsen bilateral trade relations, Huo told the Global Times Thursday.On Wednesday, the US Commerce Department said the country’s total trade deficit in January increased to its highest level in more than nine years, registering $56.6 billion, up 5 percent since December 2017, suggesting the Trump administration’s America First trade policy was unlikely to close the trade gap, Xinhua News Agency reported Thursday.Necessary responseIn January, Trump slapped tariffs on imported solar panels and washing machines, and last week he announced he would impose 25 percent in tariffs on steel imports and 10 percent on imported aluminum. Both moves are causing concern that a global trade war might break out.In today’s world of globalization, manufacturing a trade war is like taking the wrong prescription medicine; what is intended as a cure does far more harm than good, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told a press conference on the sidelines of the ongoing two sessions on Thursday."China will make a legitimate and necessary response," Wang said.Despite the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration, China should continue to expand its imports from the US and develop better cooperation in such areas as agriculture, oil and gas, high-end manufacturing, and consumption, even though bilateral trade frictions are likely to become more intense and involve more sectors this year, He noted. From Global Times,2018-3-8
2018年3月12日 -
专家简介 何伟文,全球化智库(CCG)高级研究员。 进入2018年以来,美国政府在背离WTO贸易规则道路上越走越远。继1月22日宣布对大型家用洗衣机和太阳能光伏电池及组件施加高关税,遭到中国、韩国等出口国强烈反对后,3月1日特朗普又不顾许多国家的警告,亲自宣布将对钢铝进口分别实施25%和10%的长期关税。这一政策给谁带来的影响更大? 公开挑战公平贸易原则 根据WTO相关规则,任何成员不得单方面对产品进口施加未经谈判同意的关税。只有两种情况例外,第一是进口突然激增,造成工厂纷纷倒闭,工人大量失业。在此条件下,可以实施临时保障措施,但必须事先告知WTO和所有其他成员。第二是战争条件下,可以实施与之相关的限制。特朗普宣布钢铝税的理由,没有一条符合WTO规则。 此次征收钢铝税的决定,是基于美国商务部关于钢铝进口影响国家安全的两份报告。这两份报告罗列了一些数据:2011至2017年,美国钢铁进口量增加了38%,从2599万吨增至3592万吨;国内钢铁产能利用率只有72.3%,就业人数从1998年的21.64万减少到2016年的13.98万人;部分工厂倒闭,乃至能够生产国防用钢的厂家不足。 但是,美国商务部没有讲不利于自己这一主张的数字:2017年进口金额334.63亿美元,大大低于2014年的429.34亿美元,甚至低于2011年的363.96亿美元。因此美国钢铁的进口没有激增。过去六年间,美国国内产量仅下降2.6%,因此没有造成工厂纷纷倒闭。据美国劳工部数字,2017年,美国钢铁行业就业14.22万,比2016年增加2400人。2018年1月钢铁生产就业人数14.30万,比去年同期的13.53万增加7700人;炼铝和铝材生产就业5.95万人,同比增加2000人。 因此不存在失业增加的事实。美国商务部故意拿1998年为基数,这是违规的,因为任何限制措施实施的依据是调查期内的数据。美国钢铁工人就业减少发生在金融危机前后,2009年该行业就业人数下降到13.52万。自2010年以来,即该报告调查覆盖的时期,就业是增长的。在这些数据下,特朗普政府无权实施单方面保障措施。至于战争状态,显然更不靠谱。涉及是否影响国家安全,报告也拿不出确凿的事实。 WTO规则的精髓是无歧视原则,各国产品在同等条件下自由竞争,从而实现公平贸易。美国政府决定进口钢要多交25%的关税,国内钢则不必,这显然是歧视。其目的是使钢铁产能利用率从目前的73%提高到80%,而这个7%的额度如何实现,很简单,用高关税把进口挤掉。这是赤裸裸的单边主义和数量保护主义,公平贸易已荡然无存。 国内政治绑架贸易政策 白宫贸易政策团队并非不懂WTO规则,但他们决心一再逆其道而行之。为什么?因为特朗普竞选时曾许诺保护钢铁及有色金属企业,这是他胜选原因之一。今年11月的国会中期选举对特朗普至关重要,必须对支持者有回馈。而按照WTO规则,他无法单边无理由限制钢铝进口,于是搬出个国家安全的奇怪理由,再把统计数字筛选一下,挑一些有利于自己的作为借口。 对此,国际社会其实早已频频发出警告,美国国内反对声浪也很高。因此,白宫决策过程充满了争吵,迟迟定不下来。但所有这些,最后并没有改变特朗普的决心。可见,钢铝问题不是贸易问题,而是美国国内政治问题。后者高于前者。为了后者利益,美国政府需要把贸易作为替罪羊。 特朗普如果接下来正式宣布实施钢铝税,必将引起世界强烈反弹,并伤及美国自身。欧盟已经表示,将对美国哈雷摩托车等产品实施报复关税;加拿大方面也表示任何关税“绝对不可接受”,将采取“反击措施”;中国官方也已表示将采取反制。不难估计,美国出口将遭受沉重打击。美国政府实在高估了自己在世界贸易中的地位。 在美国国内,钢铝税仅仅暂时有利于少数钢铝企业,却将造成下游产业建筑、机械、汽车、能源成本上升,利润下降,失业增加。并直接影响到码头、仓储等行业就业,消费者也将承受更高费用。殷鉴不远,2002年小布什政府为了保护美钢、AK钢铁等少数钢企,对钢铁进口实施30%关税,引起欧盟、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、中国联名上诉WTO。钢铁进口减少直接威胁到专业从事进口钢铁装卸的特拉华港就业。该港务局总裁称将使7000人就业受到影响。汽车等下游产业成本平均上升10%。那次钢铁税,保护了不到2万人就业,却造成了20万人失业。2003年,鉴于WTO专家组已判美国败诉,且国内反对声音高涨,小布什政府最终取消钢铁税。 这次钢铝税很可能是15年前的重演。特朗普作此宣布后,美国钢铝股票上涨,汽车、建筑、能源等企业股票则应声下跌。钢铝税可能利于钢铝生产企业就业,却威胁到建筑、机械、汽车等行业的就业。2018年1月,前者就业合计20.25万,后者合计984.64万。这还没有计算仓储、运输、批发等行业的就业。钢铝税对美国经济的危害,必然极化美国的社会矛盾,并最终反映到政治生活中。钢铝税无论最终是否取消,最大的输家都是美国。 文章选自《环球时报》,2018年3月5日
2018年3月8日 -