全球治理、国际组织、区域合作和“一带一路”是CCG全球化研究领域的重要组成部分。作为中国最早以全球化命名的智库,CCG创办了“中国与全球化论坛”并设置全球化相关国际议题;在海内外举办了“WTO改革”、“多边治理”、“一带一路”等专题研讨会,把“一带一路”这一主题首次带到国际安全与治理领域的世界高规格会议——慕尼黑安全会议。基于多年对全球化领域的全面研究,CCG发布出版了《“一带一路”的国际合作共赢方案及实现路径》,《全球化与逆全球化》、《全球化向何处去:大变局与中国策》等研究报告和图书,其中Edward Elgar 出版社出版的Handbook on China and Globalization是为数不多的由智库在国际权威学术出版社出版的全英文书籍。CCG提出的两项倡议入选首届巴黎和平论坛,为中国智库更充分参与全球治理与国际合作开拓了崭新模式。此外,CCG与WTO、UN 、经济合作国家组织(OECD)、世界银行、国际货币基金组织(IMF)等众多国际组织、国际智库和相关机构建立了良好的长效合作机制。
2018年4月8日 -
储殷:推进“一带一路” 跨境电商正在成为新动力 | CCG看两会
作者: 全球化智库(CCG)研究员、国际关系学院教授储殷 随着两会的胜利召开,两会中一系列的政策信号正在引起全球范围内的强烈关注。这其中,关于推进“一带一路”的内容更是成为世界各国对于中国未来国际化战略的分析基点。在3月5日,李克强总理的工作报告中,李总理指出“推进一带一路国际合作,重在坚持共商共建共享,落实“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛成果。要推动国际大通道建设,深化沿线大通关合作。”这意味着随着信息技术、贸易技术、物流技术的进步,一带一路的推进将呈现出与时俱进的新面貌,将更加依赖代表先进生产力水平的新动力。 在诸多推进一带一路的新动力当中,跨境电子商务尤其是跨境电子商务平台的进化与升级,无疑将是最为重要的组成部分。一方面,在全球贸易增长面临各种不利阻力的大环境下,以天猫为代表的中国电商的国际化战略取得了惊人的逆势突破,从2015年到2017年,天猫国际消费人数增长三倍,且购买频次不断上升。这对于目前处于“全球化逆潮“中的全球贸易无疑是极为重要的增长点。据海关总署统计, 2017年通过海关跨境电商管理平台零售进出口总额达902.4亿元,同比增长80.6%,跨境电商贸易体系已经在全世界开花,中国人足不出户就可以做到“买全球、卖全球”。 对于有意加入“一带一路”倡议的国家,链接中国跨境电商网络,已经成为进入“一带一路”的快捷方式。2016年,马云首次提出e-WTP(电子世界贸易平台)倡议,立志打造“数字自由贸易区”,致力于实现电子商务的全球化和普惠化。一开始,马云的布局似乎仅仅局限与中国周边的亚洲国家以及部分欧美国家,然而,去年9月,墨西哥总统佩尼亚·涅托造访阿里巴巴集团杭州总部,并同马云一起见证了双方战略合作协议签署仪式。这标志着远离六大走廊的拉美地区通过中国的电商网络,成功地对接了21世纪的海上丝绸之路。 相比于传统贸易中更多地依靠大型跨国企业、垄断企业,以跨境电商为核心推动力的新型全球贸易体系,是一条建立在互联网基础上的“空中贸易通道”,它是以中小微企业为主角,通过全球物流要素等链接为全世界消费者提供更为细致、精准、个性化的产品和服务。这对于许多“一带一路”沿线国家的小企业、小商家更是重要的福音。比如在天猫,通过跨境电商,一顶看似普通的冬帽,定价4美元,一个普通的小商家有时候一天就能卖掉3到5万单,一年能赚几百万美金。对于许多“一带一路”中小国别的商家,天猫国际商城当中的中国青年消费者的数量甚至比其全国的客户都要多出几倍。 在互联网技术重构之后,整个全球支付、全球物流、全球海关的通关效率都在迅速提升,这是新技术带来的模式革命,是一个全新的全球化时代。随着互联网技术的创新,尤其是移动支付的不断普及,中国与世界尤其是与一带一路沿线国家的贸易正在发生巨大的变化。“支付宝”已经成为了一带一路跨境贸易当中的必备法宝,无论是在欧洲、澳洲还是在东南亚,会使用支付宝都已经成为了许多商业公司人才招聘考核的硬技能,而登陆天猫成为阿里巴巴全球商贸渠道的一员,在互联网电商网络当中获得链接中国巨大消费市场的机会,更是成为“一带一路”沿线国家企业与商家的财富梦想。 另一方面,以阿里巴巴为代表的跨境电子商务的领军者,已经成为全球贸易的模式提供者、规则推动者。中国的跨境电商起步较晚,但发展迅速。尤其是十八大以来,我国先后在郑州等10个城市开展跨境电商试点工作,并积极推动杭州等13个跨境电子商务综合试验区建设,面向全球开创了“直购进口、网购保税进口、一般出口、特殊区域出口”四种新型监管模式,跨境电商的发展堪称世界奇迹。2018年2月,首届世界海关跨境电商大会在北京顺利召开,完善了全球第一份跨境电商行业标准《跨境电商标准框架》,并发布了《北京宣言》,确立了世界海关跨境电商大会机制:标志着世界贸易正式进入了“中国电商时代”,以天猫国际为代表的跨境电商已经在把全世界的需求和供给快速地连接起来,将世界推向一个新贸易时代,轻点键盘之间,消费者和中小微企业就能直接参与到全球供应链发展中。 更重要的是,中国的跨境电商是生长于新时代,更是服务于新时代的。习近平主席创造性地提出“一带一路”伟大倡议,成为新型全球化进程中,实现全球全球贸易互通共享最重要的新通道:中国发起的“一带一路”全球贸易之路,绝不是西方式的单向输出,而是双向共赢的贸易体系,其最终目的是构建全球命运共同体。可以说,没有什么贸易网络比中国的跨境电商更能够体现两会报告中所提出的“共商、共建、共享”的中国思路。这种“共商、共建、共享”不仅仅意味着国家间的贸易平衡,而且也意味着中小企业与大企业在全球化中的平衡。跨境电商的主体更多的是中小企业,产品则可以囊括各种生活和生产资料、甚至服务,通过移动互联网,实现销售的全球化和普惠化。天猫国际目前已经囊括包括美国、德国、德国、法国、英国、意大利、日本、韩国等发达国家在内的68个国家和地区的商品、3700个品类、16400个品牌,其中80%以上都是通过跨境电商的方式进入中国市场。 尤其值得指出的是,对世界而言,这中国跨境电商所带来的“全球贸易的新时代”,不仅体现在技术和方式,同样体现在“产品”上。过去,中国参与全球贸易,出口的更多的是纺织、服装等劳动密集型产品,而进口的则多是机械、电子等技术密集型产品,因此在全球贸易中始终处于附加值极低的微笑曲线底端。然而随着中国制造、中国智造的不断加强和跨境电商的兴起,电子消费、网络游戏、手机游戏、中国快时尚、家电、互联网服务等也纷纷“出海”,成为全球市场的生力军,在欧美国家嫌弃一波又一波中国热。根据相关数据显示,2017年,中国出海品牌中,消费电子占绝对优势,联想、华为、小米等企业以天猫国际等为载体、以“一带一路”为纽带,已经跃升成为全球知名的电子品牌,英国、澳大利亚、美国等国家尤其表现出对中国品牌的欢迎。 得益于跨境电商的迅速发展,中国产品迅速走出国门、走向世界,同时,中国品牌的整体形象在逐步提升。数据显示,2017年中国的谷歌搜索指数同比增长了6%,中国品牌品牌力得分提升了5%;中国跟国际品牌的搜索指数差距在逐年递减,相比2013年缩小了29%。事实上,几乎所有的全球商界精英都发现了这股支持中国经济增长的“新动力”。正如WPP欧洲、中东、非洲及亚洲区首席执行官David Roth谈及中国品牌的影响力时所说:“在目前的国际舞台上,中国品牌背后的公司正发挥着更加积极的作用。它们逐渐在行业层面掌握话语权,并以多种方式支持发展中国家的经济增长,特别是通过投资基础设施建设。中国出海品牌不仅改变世人对品牌的看法,更让人们对‘中国品牌’有了更加深刻的认识。” 相关阅读 前方高能!CCG专家已抵达两会现场! 智读两会:CCG专家与您“两会有约”
2018年3月10日 -
2018年1月4日 -
B&R reshaping economies, trade
Fundamentally different from previous Western model A freight train departs from Nanchang, East China’s Jiangxi Province to Hanoi, capital of Vietnam. Photo: VCG A freight train operated by China Railway Express, which links China and Eurasia, carries tons of daily necessities such as socks and handbags from Yiwu, East China’s Zhejiang Province to London. Those products are in strong demand in the UK. The new freight route, which is part of the Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, also brings authentic British products such as whisky and baby formula to the world’s second-largest economy. In Kenya, the 480-kilometer Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway, which was officially launched in May, is expected to reduce the time for a passenger traveling from Mombasa to Nairobi to merely four and a half hours compared with nearly 10 hours by bus. These are just two of many examples showcasing how the China-proposed B&R initiative is reshaping regional development, global trade and the world economy.China has made rapid inroads since the beginning of the year, and the initiative offers new global governance solutions to the world. The initiative also yielded some positive results in some countries during the year, remarked Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs of Renmin University of China. "In 2017, Sri Lanka handed over the operating rights of the port of Hambantota to China, and the China-Myanmar oil pipeline began operations," he said, noting that China Railway Express also gained momentum by operating more than 6,000 freight trains since 2011. Also, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor advanced. In general, the majority of related projects are going smoothly, and the B&R has become a familiar topic with many policymakers and investors around the world, the expert noted. Addressing concerns Not all countries applaud the initiative, and some Western media and think tanks have called it "neocolonialism" - a way of expanding Chinese power overseas. After Sri Lanka formally handed over the port to China Merchant Ports Holdings on a 99-year lease in early December, India had to showcase how the Chinese way of infrastructure construction was little more than a modern neocolonial enterprise, according to Indian media reports. Other B&R projects have also raised concerns in the West. With Germany and Belgium both seen growing wary of Chinese investment in Greece, its largest port - Piraeus - mainly owned by COSCO Shipping, serves as China’s new gateway to Europe, the New York Times reported in April."Chinese investment is fundamentally different from that coming from the West decades ago, as some Western projects were aimed at strengthening political allies," said Huang Rihan, an expert with the Beijing-based Center for China & Globalization(CCG). "Take the port of Hambantota as an example. The Sri Lanka Ports Authority still holds 30 percent ownership, which means that local business representatives can be involved in management, the decision-making process and operations," he said. The Chinese model, which prioritizes development, is not only about the participation of Chinese participants but also of local businesses in countries and regions along the B&R route. "As stakeholders, local business groups will enjoy profit-sharing plans after the project starts working. It will bring reciprocal benefits for both sides," Huang said. India had the chance to build the port of Hambantota years ago, but it rejected this option. "Unlike India, which holds an offensive view on regional cooperation, China wants to ’make the cake bigger’ and benefit more people, that’s the fundamental difference," the expert said. In Africa, China set up a base in Djibouti in July, which already has US and French military bases. But the Western countries frame it as just naval facilities, while China is experimenting with Djibouti as a logistics and supply center, which could accelerate local economic growth, Huang noted. Also, a railway that links Djibouti and its neighboring country Ethiopia is expected to upgrade transport in the region and propel intra-Africa trade. Looking forward Despite a growing consensus on the B&R, policymakers and investors need to tackle issues such as expanding financing channels, paving the way for more sustainable projects and tackling rising debts, experts noted. China has tightened control over capital outflows since the beginning of the year, and economic growth in the country has not performed in line with expectations, which posed concerns over outbound investment, Wang said. An increasing volume of debt in countries and regions along the route also raised concerns among investors. Of the 68 nations and regions that are partners engaged in the initiative, 27 have their sovereign debt rated as junk, Bloomberg reported in October. Some projects are now operated under build-operate-transfer contracts, which have require a long period to generate returns for investors. "That has increased the risks," Huang said.Still, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has set some good examples of evaluating the feasibility and profitability of projects, which could be used as a reference by other Chinese companies that invest in overseas markets, he noted. While building up industrial parks in countries along the route is helping accelerate local industrialization process, Chinese companies have to fully localize their business. "The industrial park in Pakistan, for example, will also help local manufacturing grow," Wang with Renmin University said.From January to November, China decreased investment in 59 countries and regions along the B&R route, according to the Ministry of Commerce.The total investment of Chinese companies in non-financial sectors in those economies reached $12.37 billion, down 7.3 percent year-on-year.The trend echoed the call from experts for more cautious outbound investment. "For 2018, it’s important to build up some sustainable projects to prove that the Chinese model is working," Wang said. From Global Times,2017-12-21
2017年12月25日 -