Peace in Afghanistan will change situation in the whole region
Leaders of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states issued a declaration on June 10 at annual summit held in China’s coastal city of Qingdao. [Photo/VCG]
2018年6月26日 -
Laurence Brahm: Never underestimate a single idea
Never underestimate the butterfly effect of a single idea. It can deliver unexpected outcomes. And the implications can reach further than imagined.
2018年5月11日 -
龙安志,全球化智库(CCG)特邀高级研究员 不论是在中国还是印度,龙和虎都是力量和活力的象征。而且根据中国的风水之说,龙和虎还彼此平衡对应,以维持世界的繁荣与和平。而在印度教的神话中,掌管着众生万物延续与福祉的“维护之神”毗湿奴也恰好是躺在众多巨蛇之上。 4月末的这场中印首脑会晤似乎也在回应着上面文化上的某种契合。两国作为传承人类文明遗产的古国,数千年来经济和文化的交流一直绵延未决。4月28号到29号,习近平主席和莫迪总理在武汉预示着古代海上丝路的再次启航。 作为世界贸易和商业体系的丝绸之路延续了千年之久。近代200多年来由于历史的原因,中印两国这种传统的交流被暂时打断,但这也只是数千年来两国互通互融的一段插曲。现在大幕又将重新拉开。武汉会晤必将载入两国交往的史册。中印再度携手成为重塑世界的力量。 通过政策协调,两国可以依靠技术、通讯和数字金融的支持来实现智慧基建的融合对接。目前在人工智能和量子通讯领域,中国是最大的投资国。而印度则是当今世界软件外包和IT咨询产业的翘楚。在数字金融体系和移动手机网络的投资和消费上,中印两国都处在世界的前列。低价智能手机的普及,帮助各种探索性的金融贷款在广大偏远地区实现落地。未来创新的中心将会从硅谷转移到一个弧形的地带。其中包括深圳—香港所在的大湾区以及印度的班加罗尔。我们现在要解决的就是如何更好地实现两个区域的融合。 中国倡议的“一带一路”和印度的“东进行动”都为这种融合提供了清晰的蓝图。近几年来,喜马拉雅共识的年会一直呼吁两项政策要更好的同步协调而不是彼此孤立。亚投行和金砖新发展银行是“一带一路”倡议的主要融资支持机构。如果我们知道印度是这两大机构的第二大出资国的话,就不会武断地说印度不是“一带一路”的参与方。如果两国能够很好地协调各自在基建和通讯方面的政策,中印都将从中获益。作为开发可再生能源创新可行性商业方案的领导国家,中印可以发展出智慧、环保和绿色的新基建。 环境和气候变化问题无疑是当前最需要两国进行信息互通和政策协调的领域。两国共同掌管着我们这个星球最为至关重要的宝库——喜马拉雅冰川。从中亚到南亚再到东南亚的数条河流都发源于此。这些河流滋养了沿岸近四分之一的世界人口。数千条国际河流的水资源分享和保护成为该区域的一大挑战。作为本地区的两个大国,中印两国应该通力合作防止在这一区域出现前所未有的水资源危机。这样的危机不但会造成水价暴涨也会威胁到本地民众的食物安全和健康安全。如果再加上自然灾害,那么势必造成难民危机和地区动荡。 基于此,印度知名人士、喜马拉雅共识的委员曼汗德?拉马(Mahendra Lama)在2016年就提议建立民间和智库交流机制来应对当前的危机和冲突。只有这样才是治本之举。2018年的喜马拉雅共识年会上,联合国驻中国地区协调员尼科拉斯?罗斯里尼(Nicholas Rosselini)宣布启动“丝路对话”,致力于以环境和技术对话来提升中印两国的关系。 印度前外长同时也是喜马拉雅共识委员的鲁帕玛?拉奥(Nirupama Rao)此前也呼吁成立喜马拉雅委员会起草宪章来协调本地区在气候变化问题上的立场和行动。 当今世界局势波诡云谲。一些目光短视的西方政治家和决策者为了一时小利而致气候危机和人类福祉于不顾。所以当务之急我们需要寻找新的应对气候危机和战争灾难的方案。我们或许可以从中印两国的古代先贤们的教诲中寻找到答案。欧洲需要平衡发展,非洲要与中印同步,南美也要紧随潮流。 为了地球的未来,我们每一个人都应该协调一致共同努力。假如地球都不存在了,“某一个国家优先”都战略也就根本无从谈起了。我们要明白“人类命运共同体”的愿景真的是关系着我们这个星球上的每一个人。或许现在要依靠东方国家来为我们这个世界行动了。 文章选自中国日报网,2018年4月28日
2018年5月3日 -
文 | 全球化(CCG)智库特邀研究员张胜磊
2018年4月17日 -
Emanuel Pastreich: Too good to be true
So the headlines in Seoul yesterday were splattered again with articles expressing tremendous optimism about the remarkable breakthrough so clearly represented by the agreement of U.S. President Donald Trump to hold a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jung-eun. There was also no small amount of drivel about how thankful President Moon Jae-in is, or should be, for the tremendous consideration, and genius, shown by master diplomat Trump for this stroke of genius.Several commentators went as far as to say Trump’s brilliant move is certain to win him a Nobel Peace Prize. But does anyone really believe that Donald Trump ― a reality TV sensationalist, carnival barker Twitter-as-policy president ― can be trusted with anything, or that he has anything to do with the decision-making process behind this bolt out of the blue?Maybe you should pull out Naomi Klein’s classic book "The Shock Doctrine" and see how Washington operatives have traditionally employed completely unexpected events, or economic shocks, to shove their unpopular agendas down the throats of people around the world. The purpose is not peace, but rather confusion, and Trump is the emperor of chaos. Let us just look at the Paris Accord and the Iran nuclear deal framework for a sense of how much we can trust the Trump team. We witnessed the U.S. become the only nation to pull out of the Paris Agreement to address climate change and it did so over the objections of everyone in government and academics who actually know what they are talking about.In effect, the Trump regime is a post-reality regime bent on the destruction of not only the U.S. but the planet. How the Moon administration can trust them with anything, I cannot fathom. And in the case of the Iran nuclear deal framework, we have a complex diplomatic agreement put in place through a series of treaties approved by the legislatures of the U.S., the U.K., Russia, France, China and Germany. It cannot be pulled out of without showing complete contempt for international law and diplomacy ― which is what Trump did. So what are we to think? One day Trump calls Kim Jong-un the "Rocket man" and then threatens to destroy the North using nuclear weapons. The next moment he is ready to go meet him and make good. Are you anticipating a meaningful long-term breakthrough? The only way to understand this behavior is in terms of professional wrestling, an honored sport well known to the master Trump. In pro wrestling anything goes, literally anything. The only condition is that the crowd is satisfied, as in a gladiator fight in the Coliseum of the decayed Roman Empire. It is possible, of course, that Trump and Kim are feeling some positive vibes. Whether it is their "military-first" policies, their nepotistic and kleptomaniac habits or their cult of the self, they probably have lots to talk about. The summit, if it actually happened, would be more like a gag show, late night comedy akin to the Korean runaway hit "Non-Summit" which just happens to mean, appropriately, "ridiculous summit meeting." I fear the proposal is only a distraction. A meaningful summit would normally take place after a series of lower-level efforts to address trade and normalizations of relations. There first would be a formal visit by other high level officials to lay the foundations for meaningful discussions and also preparations to ease sanctions. But there is no sign of such a move. If anything, more strict sanctions are being prepared. We see Admiral Harry "war with China" Harris being sent to Australia to sit on those Aussies who might oppose the militarization of relations with Beijing.And we have Steve "trade war with China" Navarro, who may replace Gary Cohn as Trump’s economic adviser. And everyone knows this whole show is about "China, China, China" and that North Korea is just playing a Ukrainian role in the bigger circus tent. Sadly, it seems that many Koreans ― in the moments that they come up for air between playing video games on their smartphones, worrying about payments for their homes and their children’s cram schools (hakwon) and running around just to do their jobs ― do not have the time to think deeply about what is going on in this incredibly important March, 2018. It is a perfect strategy to distract the people with a fantastic dream of a Kim-Trump summit, like something out of the Book of Revelations.It keeps citizens from noticing how the #metoo campaign is being used to intimidate politicians, journalists and cultural leaders, how the Korean military is being suckered into a confrontation with China, how the Trump administration is using the GM factory closing and various threats of tariffs on steel and other products (with most of the threats never reported in the media) to bludgeon Korea into accepting a closer military integration with the far right in the U.S. and Japan through secret agreements not unlike the secret treaties that paved the road to World War I. About Author Emanuel Pastreich, a non-resident senior researcher of Center for China and Globalization(CCG).