日 程
09:00-10:30 开幕式
丁 勇 北京市商务局局长
王辉耀 全球化智库(CCG)理事长,原国务院参事
侯君舒 北京市人大常委会副主任
易小准 商务部原副部长,WTO原副总干事
傅关汉(H.E. Graham Fletcher) 澳大利亚驻华大使
海 博(Tamas Hajba) OECD驻华代表
苗 绿 全球化智库(CCG)秘书长
10:30-12:00 高端对话
主持人:苗 绿 全球化智库(CCG)秘书长
刘梅英 北京市商务局党组成员、市“两区”办专职副主任
马洁茹(Geraldine McCafferty)英国驻华使馆副馆长
李碧菁(Roberta Lipson)中国美国商会副主席、和睦家创始人
陈瑞元(Rex Chen)中国澳大利亚商会首席执行官
唐亚东(Adam Dunnett)中国欧盟商会秘书长
范诺亚(Noah Fraser)加中贸易协会董事总经理
晏 思 (Jens Hildebrandt) 中国德国商会总经理、德国工商大会北京代表处首席代表
汤姆·吾拉木江(Tom Hoogendijk)中国荷比卢商会会长
金 旭 中国国际贸易学会会长
李碧菁(Roberta Lipson)中国美国商会副主席
罗维坚(Loh Weekeng)中国马来西亚商会会长
小野寺 修(Onodera Osamu)日本贸易振兴机构北京代表处所长、东北亚地区总代表
丹尼斯·西蒙(Denis Simon)国际人才组织联合会(AGTO)主席
曾晓彤(Rachel Tsang)中国英国商会董事总经理
12:30-13:30 午餐/自由交流
主持人:孙玉红 全球化智库(CCG)副主任、高级研究员
陈剖建 中国红瑞资本管理(集团)有限公司CEO、CCG常务理事
陈维广 蓝驰创投管理合伙人
刘 畅 嘉吉大中华区副总裁
刘小鹰 老鹰基金创始合伙人
宋红娟 红曼同创投资基金管理创始合伙人、新建红曼基金执行董事
王孝华 优联资本董事长
熊伟铭 华创资本创始合伙人
徐 芳 银河系创投管理合伙人、CCG常务理事
张黎刚 爱康集团创始人、董事长兼CEO,CCG常务理事
张连起 全国政协常委、中国企业财务管理协会会长、CCG特邀高级研究员
主持人:刘 宏 全球化智库(CCG)副主任、高级研究员;原DXC中国区总裁
侯 雪 赛迪研究院国际合作研究中心副所长
刘大成 中国产业发展研究院常务副院长
吕 勇 Syniverse Technologies公司全球副总裁
裴金林 思爱普(SAP)大中华区副总裁
商 容 微软亚太研发集团运营传播及公共事务副总裁
唐建国 北京市大数据中心副主任,北京市经济和信息化局大数据应用与产业处处长、一级调研员
徐洪才 中国政策科学研究会经济政策委员会副主任,CCG特邀高级研究员
叶笑风 诺维信亚太区副总裁
叶小伟 高通公司全球高级副总裁
主持人:张 伟 全球化智库(CCG)副秘书长、原《经济日报》驻联合国首席记者
李 健 国网能源研究院总工程师
马超德 UNDP助理驻华代表
秦 虎 美国环保协会(EDF)副总裁,北京代表处首席代表
吴 媖 评安国蕴创始人、CEO,瑞士银行学会BBZ中国办公室负责人
谢宇轩 伊顿电气集团关键能源事业部亚太区服务及软件业务总监
徐 旸 雅保中国区总裁
徐忠华 道达尔能源亚洲研发副总裁
杨晓忠 天合光能全球公共事务部副总裁
尹 冬 江森自控(中国)投资有限公司中国区数字化解决方案负责
岳 鹏 北京绿色交易所总经理助理
赵 鑫 极地绿色能源集团董事、中国公司总裁
08:30-09:00 Registration/Networking
09:00-09:10 Organizer’s Welcome
DING Yong, Director, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau
WANG Huiyao, President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Counselor to the China State Council
09:10-09:55 Keynotes
Hon. HOU Junshu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress
Hon. YI Xiaozhun, Former Vice Minister of Commerce; Former Deputy Director-General, WTO
H.E. Graham Fletcher, Ambassador of Australia to China
Tamas Hajba, Senior Advisor and Director of the Beijing Office, OECD
09:55-10:05 CCG Book Launch Strategis for Chinese Enterprises Going Global (Springer 2023)
Mabel Miao, Secretary-General, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
10:05-10:30 Group Photo/Coffee Break/Networking
10:30-12:00 Beijing “Two Zones” Roundtable: Leveraging Beijing’s “Two Zones” Policy for International Trade in Services
Mabel Miao, Secretary General, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Feature Presentation of Beijing “Two Zones” Policy:
LIU Meiying,Dedicated Deputy Director-General of Beijing Municipal Leading Group Office for “Two Zones”
Keynote Remarks:
Geraldine McCafferty, Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Beijing
Roberta Lipson, Vice Chair, AmCham China; Founder, United Family Healthcare
Participants (alphabetic):
Rex Chen, CEO, AustCham China
Adam Dunnett, Secretary-General, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC)
Noah Fraser, Managing Director, Canada China Business Council (CCBC)
Jens Hildebrandt, Delegate & Chief Representative of the Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Beijing; Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China – North China
Tom Hoogendijk, President, Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China
JIN Xu, President, China International Trade Association
Roberta Lipson, Vice Chair, AmCham China
Loh Weekeng, Chairman, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (MayCham China)
Onodera Osamu, Director-General for Beijing Office and Chief Representative for North East Asia, The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Denis Simon, President, Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO)
Rachel Tsang, Managing Director, BritCham China
13:30–14:45 Thematic Roundtable 1: Trends in the Chinese Economy and Investment Strategies
Frances Sun, Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Participants (alphabetic):
Chuck P. J. Chen, CEO, China Horae Capitasl Management Group Co Ltd.; Senior Council Member of CCG
LAU Siu Ying, Founding Partner of Eagles Fund
LIU Chang, Vice President of Cargill Greater China
Susanne Song, Founding Partner, Hongman Tongchuang Fund Management; Executive Director, Xinjian HM Fund Management
Jui Tan, Managing Partner of BlueRun Ventures China
Jacky Wang, Founder and President, United Capital
Wayne Xiong, Founding Partner, China Growth Capital
XU Fang, Managing Partner, Galaxy Ventures; Senior Council Member of CCG
Lee Ligang Zhang, Founder, Chairman and CEO of iKang Heathcare Group; Senior Council Member of CCG
ZHANG Lianqi,Member of CPPCC National Committee; President of the China Enterprise Financial Management Association; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
14:45–15:00 Coffee Break/Networking
15:00–16:15 Thematic Roundtable 2: The Quest for Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems
Mike Liu, Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Managing Director, DXC Greater China
Participants (alphabetic):
HOU Xue, Deputy Director of CCID International Cooperation Research Center
LIU Dacheng, Executive Vice President of the China Institute of Industrial Development
Louis Lu, Global Vice President, Syniverse Technologies
PEI Jinlin, Vice President of Greater China, SAP
SHANG Rong, Vice President of Communications and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft Asia-Pacific R&D Group
TANG Jianguo, Deputy Director of Beijing Big Data Centre; Senior Director, Department of Data Application and Industry at Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology
XU Hongcai, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Commission, China Association of Policy Science; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
YE Xiaofeng, Vice President of Agricultural & Industrial Biosolutions, Novozymes China
YE Xiaowei, Senior Vice President, Qualcomm
16:15–16:30 Coffee Break/Networking
16:30–17:45 Thematic Roundtable 3: Pathways to Net-Zero and Green Transition: Business Opportunities
ZHANG Wei, Deputy Secretary-General, Center for China and Globalization (CCG); Former Chief Correspondent at Economics Daily in the United Nations
Participants (alphabetic):
LI Jian, Chief Engineer, State Grid Energy Research Institute
MA Chaode, Assistant Resident Representative, UNDP China
QIN Hu, Vice President of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Chief Representative of EDF’s Beijing Representative Office
WU Ying, Founder and CEO of Prestige and Fortune Fintech; Chief Representative of BBZ Academy (Switzerland) China Office
XIE Yuxuan, Head of Asia-Pacific Service and Software Business, Critical Power System Division of Eaton Electric Group
Gloria Xu, Country Manager and Vice President, Albemarle
XU Zhonghua, Vice President and Head of Total Energies R&D for Asia
Colin Yang, Vice President and Chief Branding Officer, Trina Solar
Brandon Yin, China Smart Building & Digital Solution Leader, Johnson Controls
YUE Peng, Assistant to Gernal Manager, Beijing Green Exchange
Charlotte Zhao, Managing Director, Arctic Green Energy China
丁勇 北京市商务局局长
DING Yong, Director, Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau
Ding Yong, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1971, from Tengzhou, Shandong province. He joined the Communist Party of China in June 1997 and started working in July 1993. He graduated as a postgraduate in Political Economy from Peking University and holds a Master’s degree in Economics. He is an Assistant Research Fellow.
He currently serves as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce.
王辉耀 全球化智库理事长、原国务院参事
WANG Huiyao, President of CCG; Former Counselor of the State Council
王辉耀,博士,教授,博导,国务院参事,全球化智库(CCG)创始人兼理事长,商务部中国国际经济合作学会副会长,人社部中国人才研究会副会长,欧美同学会建言献策委员会主任,中国国际人才专业委员会会长,西南财经大学发展研究院院长,中国公共关系协会副会长,中国侨联特聘专家委员会副主任, 国务院侨办专家咨询委员会委员,北京市政协委员。目前还担任联合国国际移民组织(IOM)顾问,国际大都会(International Metropolis)国际执委会执委,国际猎头协会(AESC)顾问,耶鲁大学亚洲顾问委员会成员,加拿大毅伟(Ivey)商学院亚洲顾问委员会成员等。
广东外语外贸大学本科毕业,在加拿大温莎大学,西安大略大学和英国曼切斯特大学攻读研究生,获得工商管理硕士(MBA)学位和国际管理博士(PhD) 学位,曾任哈佛大学肯尼迪学院高级研究员,布鲁金斯学会客座研究员, 加拿大亚太基金会高级研究员,德国IZA研究所政策研究员,北京大学和加拿大西安大略大学等多家大学客座教授等职务。
Dr. Huiyao (Henry) Wang is Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a Counselor to China State Council, and Vice Chairman of China Association for International Economic Cooperation under the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM).
He is also Dean of Institute of Development Studies of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics of China, a Steering Committee Member of Paris Peace Forum and Metropolis International and sits on the Advising Board of Duke-Kunshan University and Richard Ivey Business School of Canada. Dr. Wang served as an expert for the World Bank, IOM and ILO. Dr. Wang pursued his PhD degree at University of Western Ontario and University of Manchester. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings, a Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School and frequently participates at events including the World Economic Forum, Munich Security Conference, Paris Peace Forum, WTO Public Forum, and Munk Debates.
侯君舒 北京市人大常委会党组成员、副主任
Hon. HOU Junshu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress
侯君舒,男,汉族,1963年6月出生,河南宁陵人,1985年7月参加工作, 1985年7月加入中国共产党。毕业于中国人民大学世界经济专业、中国人民大学行政管理专业,经济学硕士、管理学硕士、副教授。
Hon. Hou Junshu, male, Han ethnicity, was born in June 1963 in Ningling, Henan Province, China. He started working in July 1985 and joined the Communist Party of China in July 1985. He graduated from Renmin University of China, majoring in World Economics and Administrative Management. He holds a Master’s degree in Economics, a Master’s degree in Management, and is an Associate Professor.
He currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People’s Congress.
易小准 商务部原副部长
Hon. YI Xiaozhun, Former Vice Minister of Commerce
Hon. YI Xiaozhun,former Deputy Director-general of the World Trade Organization; former Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce
Yi Xiaozhun served as Deputy Director-General of the WTO between 1 October 2013 and 31 March 2021.
Yi Xiaozhun has extensive experience in world trade and economics, both as a senior government official and subsequently as China’s ambassador to the WTO.
傅关汗 澳大利亚驻华大使
H.E. Graham Fletcher, Ambassador of Australia to China
傅关汉先生于2019年8月就任澳大利亚驻华大使。 在此之前,他曾两次担任澳大利亚外交贸易部北亚司司长(2008-2010年及2015-2019年)。 2014年,他领导团队完成中澳自由贸易协定谈判。 傅关汉先生还曾三次任职于澳大利亚驻华大使馆: 1986-1988年任三等秘书,1997-2000年任参赞,2004-2008年任公使。 此外,他还曾任澳大利亚驻美国大使馆公使(2011-2013年)和澳大利亚驻努美阿总领馆副总领事(1992-1994年)。 傅关汉先生拥有悉尼大学文学学士学位(荣誉)。他于1983年加入当时的外交部。傅大使已婚,有三名子女。
Graham Fletcher has been Australia’s Ambassador to China since August 2019. Prior to this appointment, Mr Fletcher was head of the North Asia Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) during 2008-10 and again from 2015. During 2014, he led the team that completed negotiation of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement. Mr Fletcher has served in the Australian Embassy to China on three previous occasions: as Third Secretary (1986-88), Counsellor (1997-2000) and Deputy Head of Mission (2004-08). He was also Deputy Head of Mission in the Australian Embassy in Washington (2011-13) and Deputy Consul-General in the Australian Consulate-General in Noumea (1992-94) Mr Fletcher has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of Sydney. He joined the then Department of Foreign Affairs in 1983. He is married with three children.
海博 世界经济合作与发展组织驻华代表
Tamas Hajba, Senior Advisor and Director of the Beijing Office,
Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD)
Senior Advisor and Director of the Beijing Office of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in China, holds a Bachelor’s degree from Shanghai International Studies University, a graduate degree from the China Foreign Affairs University, and an honorary Master’s degree from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
Mr. Hajba worked as a professional diplomat for 20 years, with three assignments in China. He worked at the Hungarian Embassy in Beijing for five years and also served as the Consul General of Hungary in Shanghai and Chongqing. Mr. Hajba also held several senior positions in the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, including Director General and Chief of Cabinet of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, and Head of the Deputy State Secretary’s Office in charge of cooperation with the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, as well as International Development , Cultural Cooperation, etc.
Mr. Hajba is fluent in English, Chinese, Russian, German, and Hungarian languages. He has deep expertise in technology innovation and talent development, and has attended numerous international conferences in related fields where he delivered speeches.
苗绿 全球化智库(CCG)秘书长
Mabel Miao, Secretary General,
Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
全球化智库(CCG)联合创始人兼秘书长,国际青年领袖对话项目(GYLD)发起人兼秘书长,北京市政协委员,中国国际人才专业委员会秘书长,国际人才组织联盟(AGTO)副总干事。中国宋庆龄基金会第八届理事,中国人民对外友好协会中国德国友好协会理事, B20中国工商理事会专家咨询委员会委员,北京外事接待资源评审专家,北京师范大学国际写作中心副总干事。
哲学社会科学研究系列国际关系专业(正高级)职称,本科到博士均毕业于北京师范大学,获中国现当代文学博士学位,经济管理与资源管理博士后,香港科技大学博士后,曾在美国纽约大学和哈佛大学担任访问研究学者,G20智库峰会T20(Think 20 Italy 2021)“多边主义与全球治理”特别工作组联席主席,新加坡南洋理工大学连氏学者奖学金获得者、第56届慕尼黑安全会议青年领袖、2021年中国十大品牌年度人物。
2016年比利时国王亲自接见的七位全球青年领袖代表之一; 2020年唯一来自中国的慕尼黑安全政策会议青年领袖;2021年再次作为慕安会唯一中国代表对话联合国秘书长古特雷斯;G20(意大利)智库峰会“多边主义与全球治理”专题组联席主席。2021年8月10日,习近平主席给苗绿担任发起人及秘书长的“国际青年领袖对话项目”外籍青年回信,对他们积极到中国各地走访、深化对华了解表示赞赏,鼓励他们加强交流互鉴,为推动构建人类命运共同体贡献青春力量。
Dr. Mabel Lu MIAO is the Co-founder and Secretary-General of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading Chinese non-government think tank. Dr. Miao also serves as Founder and Secretary General of Global Young Leaders Dialogue (GYLD) program, Deputy Director General of the Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO), Secretary General of China Global Talent Society, Deputy Director-General of the International Writing Center of Beijing Normal University, and President of CCG Southern Institute of International Talent Research.
Dr. Miao was received by the King of Belgium at his palace as the only one representative of young global leaders from Northeast Asia. She was also selected as 2020 Young Leader for Munich Security Conference (MSC). In 2021, as the only Chinese participant, posted the first question to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres at the Munich Security Conference Special Edition 2021; she was also appointed as Co-Chairman of Think20 (G20 Summit 2021 Think Tank) Task Force.
She has participated in a number of research projects entrusted by national ministries and local government departments; and published monographs, edited volumes, and journal articles in both Chinese and English languages on China and Globalization, global migration, talents mobility and so on: Handbook on China and Globalization (2019), China Goes Global: How China’s Overseas Investment is Transforming Its Business Enterprises (2016) and Blue Book of Talent series: Annual Report on Chinese Enterprises Globalization, etc.
Dr. Miao holds a Ph.D degree in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Studies from Beijing Normal University. She was also a visiting fellow at New York University and Harvard University, a post-doctoral fellow of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUS), and a Lien Fellow at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
Beijing “Two-Zone” Roundtable: Leveraging Beijing’s “Two Zones” Policy for International Trade in Services
Feature Presentation of Beijing “Two Zones” Policy:
刘梅英 北京市商务局党组成员、市“两区”办专职副主任
LIU Meiying, Dedicated Deputy Director-General of Beijing Municipal Leading Group Office for “Two Zones”
Meiying Liu, Member of the Party Group of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce; Dedicated Deputy Director-General of Beijing Municipal Leading Group Office for “Two Zones”; Ph. D. in Management; Associate Research Fellow. She has been engaged in decision-making research in the field of commerce for many years.
Keynote Remarks:
马洁茹 英国驻华大使馆副馆长
Geraldine McCafferty, Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy Beijing
马洁茹本科就读于英国剑桥大学耶稣学院经济学系,硕士就读于美国约翰斯∙霍普金斯大学高级国际问题研究院(SAIS)国际关系。她于 1996年起加入英国政府从事外交与国家安全相关工作。她于 1998 至 2001 年常驻于塞浦路斯,2004 至2008年常驻于波黑,2012至2015年常驻于丹麦,2015至2019年常驻于哥伦比亚。马洁茹出生于北爱尔兰,现和其丈夫及两个女儿常驻在中国。
Geraldine is a graduate in Economics from Jesus College, Cambridge University and in International Relations from SAIS, Johns Hopkins University. She has worked in a range of Foreign Policy and National Security roles for the UK government since 1996. She has served overseas in Cyprus (1998-2001), Bosnia (2004-2008), Denmark (2012-2015) and Colombia (2015-2019). Geraldine is originally from Northern Ireland and is in China with her husband and two daughters.
李碧菁 中国美国商会副主席、和睦家创始人
Roberta Lipson, Vice Chair, AmCham China
李碧菁女士是北京商界的积极领导者。目前第九次担任美中贸易全国委员会董事及审计委员会主席,第七次进入中国美国商会董事会并担任董事会副主席。此外,李碧菁女士还担任美国商会医疗卫生论坛联席主席和美中医疗卫生合作项目(HCP)创始主席,以及担任和睦家中国医疗基金会董事会主席,是北京犹太社区赐乐业北京的联合创始人。由于她在中国的杰出贡献,李碧菁女士在2009年获得了“长城友谊奖”,这是北京政府给予在京外国专家的最高荣誉。2014年,李碧菁女士被美国商会授予中国先锋奖的首届获奖者。2015年,她被新浪网评为“中国十大商业领袖”,布兰代斯大学(Brandeis University)Asper企业家奖(Asper Award for Enterpereneurship),此前,她带领企业获得了美国国务院卓越企业ACE奖。她在北京生活和工作了40多年,2017年,李碧菁女士获得了外国永久居民卡。Lipson女士拥有布兰代斯大学的学士学位和哥伦比亚大学的MBA学位。
Roberta Lipson is the founder of United Family Healthcare (UFH) and the V. Chair of New Frontier Health. She has over 40 years of experience as a pioneer in the healthcare industry in China. She originally co-founded United Family Healthcare’s predecessor company Chindex in 1981, expanding the business from China’s top medical equipment distribution company into China’s first and largest foreign-invested healthcare system. After over two decades, UFH’s healthcare platform inludes 11 hospitals and almost 20 clinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hainan and Shenzhen, as well as an internet hospital serving patients nationally. The company has become the provider of choice for those seeking premium, personalized healthcare. United Family Healthcare was rated in 2016 as “The Most Trusted Healthcare Brand of China” by the Chinese Business Journal, and has appeared at the top of private hospital listings every year since.
As founder and CEO Ms. Lipson took her company public on NASDQ in 1994, and then again merged with a NYSE:NFH in 2019, and in 2021 was again part of the buying consortium to again privatize the company .
Ms. Lipson is an active leader in the business community in Beijing, currently serving for the ninth year as a director and audit committee chair of the U.S. China Business Council, enters her seventh term on the AmCham China Board as the Vice Chair, and as Co-Chair of the AmCham Healthcare Forum and founding Chair of the Healthcare China Program (HCP) . She also chairs the Board of the United Foundation for China’s Health (UFCH), and is a co- founder of Beijing’s Jewish Community – Kehillat Beijing. Because of her outstanding contribution in China, Roberta Lipson received “The Great Wall Friendship Award” in 2009, the highest honor that Beijing government gives to foreign experts in Beijing. In 2014 Roberta was honored by AmCham as the inaugural recipient of the China Pioneer Award. She was named as a “Top 10 Business Leader of China” by Sina.com in 2015, the Brandeis University Asper Award for Entrepeneurship and earlier she led the company to win the U.S. State Department ACE Award for Corporate Excellence. She has lived and worked in Beijing for over 40 years, and in 2017 Ms. Lipson received Foreign Permanent Resident Card. Ms. Lipson holds a BA from Brandeis University and an MBA from Columbia University.
Participants (alphabetic):
陈瑞元 中国澳大利亚商会首席执行官
Rex Chen, CEO, AustCham China
Rex joined AustCham China’s secretariat as CEO in February 2023.A Chinese-born Australian, Rex has worked in China since 2000 in the news media, business communication and event management. For two decades, Rex managed a language services firm offering interpretation, translation and other communication services in diplomatic, business, and legal settings, and gained broad and deep exposure to political and business engagement between China and Western countries – Australia in particular.As CEO, Rex is leveraging his skills, experience, and background to enhance AustCham China’s capabilities and help members identify and capitalise on new opportunities in China.
唐亚东 中国欧盟商会秘书长
Adam Dunnett, Secretary-General, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC)
作为中国欧盟商会现任秘书长,唐亚东(Adam Dunnett)先生负责制定及执行欧盟商会在中国全国7个大区,9个区域办公室(北京,成都,重庆,广州,南京,上海,深圳,沈阳及天津)的战略目标、市场推广、会员管理及政府沟通事项。 唐先生于2006年加入欧盟商会,曾先后担任高级经理及北京办公室总经理。在任职秘书长之前,唐先生曾就职于政府关系公司APCO一年时间,担任副总经理职位。
Adam’s career has largely focussed on trade & investment promotion, advocacy and association management. As the European Chamber’s secretary general, he is responsible for the overall implementation its objectives, visibility, membership and advocacy activities across its 7 chapters and 9 offices in China (Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Shenyang and Tianjin).
Adam joined the Chamber originally in 2006. He served first as the senior business manager, then as the Beijing general manager, and since 2013 has been the secretary general. From 2000-2004 he worked at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing as a commercial officer. In 2012, he worked at APCO, a consulting firm, for just over a year as the Beijing deputy managing director. From 2014-2017 he also served as vice chairman of the European Business Organisation Worldwide Network and since 2012 he has served as a board member and rotating chair of the EU SME Centre.
Adam holds dual British and Canadian citizenship. He holds an M.A.in International Development from the International University of Japan, and B.A in foreign languages from the University of Victoria.
范诺亚 加中贸易协会董事总经理
Noah Fraser, Managing Director,
Canada China Business Council (CCBC)
范先生拥有渥太华大学的国际发展和全球化社会科学(荣誉)学士学位,辅修工商管理,其部分课程与香港中文大学完成。此外,他还获有南京师范大学的汉语文凭、加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院(Ivey Business School)的销售管理证书、伦敦经济学院(London School of Economics)的管理金融研究生证书。他还是一名积极的志愿者。他在中国乡村女学生教育基金(EGRC)北京委员会和加中论坛顾问委员会做志愿服务,并在卡内基-清华全球政策中心志愿担任导师。
Noah has over 15 years of progressive international career growth across multiple industries, including government & corporate affairs, marketing & communications, manufacturing, education and life sciences. His depth of experience includes the public, private and non-profit sectors, and he is professionally fluent in Mandarin Chinese and French. He has spent nearly 10 years working and studying in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
He currently serves as Managing Director, China & Chief Representative at the Canada China Business Council, based in Beijing. The CCBC is the de-facto chamber of commerce between Canada and China, with over 40 years of history and 350 corporate members across both markets. Noah is responsible for all China operations, strategic business advisory services relating to China & Canada, special events management, national budgeting, and national public affairs. Previously, he was Director of the CCBC’s Ontario division, based in the Toronto headquarters. In the private sector, he most recently acted as the Director of Marcomms & Business Development at Rapid Aid Corp., the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of temperature-therapy medical devices. In close collaboration with the CEO, he oversaw all global marketing, sales & communications activities, and drove international strategy, with a focus on Greater China, the EU and the United States.
Noah holds an Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Development & Globalization and minor in Business Administration from the University of Ottawa, partially completed at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a certificate in Mandarin Chinese from Nanjing Normal University. He has completed the Executive Sales Management program at the Ivey School of Business and a post-graduate certification in Managerial Finance from the London School of Economics. He is also an active volunteer, serving on the Beijing board of Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC), the Advisory Board of the Canada China Forum, and as a mentor with the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy.
晏思 中国德国商会总经理、德国工商大会北京代表处首席代表
Jens Hildebrandt, Delegate & Chief Representative of the Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Beijing;
Executive Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in China – North China
晏思先生(Jens Hildebrandt)目前担任中国德国商会总经理、中国德国商会华北及东北地区执行董事、德国工商大会北京代表处首席代表。
2018年7月至今 德国工商大会北京代表处
兼任:中国德国商会,秘书长 职责:联邦经济能源部和德国工商总会在华北和东北地区的官方代表,负责组织中德双方的联络工作,组织收集、整理信息和市场调研,协助项目,开发工作和当地政府公关工作等
2016年1月至2018年6月 德国工商大会广州代表处
职位:首席代表 职责:联邦经济能源部和德国工商总会在华南和西南地区的官方代表,负责组织中德双方的联络工作,组织收集、整理信息和市场调研,协助项目,开发工作和当地政府公关工作等
2014年4月至2015年12月 德国工商大会(柏林)
2013年1月至2014年3月 捷克德国商会(布拉格)
2009年6月至2012年12月 德中工商技术咨询服务(太仓)有限公司广州分公司
2005年7月至2007年7月 柏林斯泰恩拜斯大学(柏林)
Since August 2018, Jens Hildebrandt is heading the Delegation of German Industry & Commerce Beijing as Delegate & Chief Representative and Managing Director of the German Chamber of Commerce in North China. He studied Political Science and Sinology in Leipzig, Beijing and Hong Kong and completed an MBA. Since 2007 Jens Hildebrandt has held various management positions in the network of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK) and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), i.e. as Head of the East Asia Department in Berlin and later as Delegate & Chief Representative of German Industry & Commerce in Guangzhou. Since 2020, he has also been the Asia-Pacific Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business (APA).
汤姆·吾拉木江 荷比卢商会会长
Tom Hoogendijk, President, Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China
Tom Hoogendijk is a Dutch national who embarked on his journey in China back in late 2009 and has since made Beijing his home since 2012. He holds a BBA degree in Asian Business Studies from Avans University in Breda, reflecting his passion for cross-cultural insights.
Tom’s career took root in China’s diverse advertising media industry, where he effortlessly navigated between Western and Chinese contexts, thanks to his fluency in Mandarin. His current role as Marketing Director at Infront Sports & Media in Beijing showcases his drive for creating sponsorship strategies for global and Chinese brands at major sports events worldwide, such as the FIFA World Cup, the FIBA Basketball World Cup and BWF Badminton Championship held all around the globe. Representing a European company that is presently under Chinese ownership, Tom’s adept cross-cultural proficiencies assume a pivotal role at Infront.
Amid his responsibilities at Infront, Tom has also lent his expertise to the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China since 2017, offering guidance that led to his appointment as its President in 2019. His dedication extends beyond borders, as seen in his involvement with the EU-SME Centre as board member from 2019 to 2020, and his representation of Dutch business interests as The Netherlands States’ Representative on the Supervisory Board of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
Tom Hoogendijk embodies a genuine commitment to fostering connections between the Benelux and China, reflecting a balanced blend of leadership, cultural insight, and collaborative spirit.
金旭 中国国际贸易学会会长
JIN Xu, President, China International Trade Association
金旭先生拥有丰富的国际商务及外交经验,先后任中国驻土耳其大使馆三等秘书、供应港澳三趟快车办公室主任、中国驻美国旧金山总领事馆商务参赞、商务部美洲大洋洲司副司长、商务部国际商务官员研修学院党委书记兼院长、中国驻英国大使馆公使衔商务参赞等职务。1975年在河南荥阳上山下乡,1976年广州空军参军入伍,1984年毕业于对外经贸大学国际贸易专业,1985年在爱尔兰三一学院、1998年在美国哈佛商学院进修。 金旭先生于2019-2021年任对外经济贸易大学国际发展合作学院院长。他目前担任中国国际贸易学会会长,英国杜伦大学荣誉教授,全国国际商务专业学位研究生教育指导委员会委员,太和智库高级研究员。
Mr. Jin Xu has very rich professional experience in international commerce and diplomacy and has served as the Third Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Turkey, Director of the Office of Three Express Cargo Trains to Hong Kong and Macao, Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, Deputy Director General of the Department of American and Oceanian Trade Affairs, MOFCOM, and President of Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO), MOFCOM, and Minister Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs of the Chinese Embassy in the UK.
In 1975, Mr. Jin Xu went to the rural area and worked in Xingyang Railway Farm, Henan Province. He joined the army and served in Guangzhou Air Force in 1976. He graduated from University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in 1984 and then completed advanced studies programs at Trinity College / Ireland in 1985 and at Harvard Business School/USA in 1998.
Mr. Jin Xu was P res ident of International Development Cooperation College, UIBE during 2019-2021. He is now Chairman of China Association of International Trade, Honorary Professor of Durham University (UK), Member of the National Steering Committee of International Business Graduate Education, and Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute.
罗维坚 中国马来西亚商会会长
Loh Weekeng, Chairman, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (MayCham China)
罗维坚先生于1995年来华开启他的事业版图,他在巴伐利亚汽车公(Automobile Bavarian)任职区域经理(大中华地区)(巴伐利亚汽车公司(Automobile Bavarian)是一家德国整装汽车的宝马进口商,后来被中汽南方投资集团收购)。罗先生在中国更广为人知的业务是在食品营销和进出口贸易。罗先生在2004年开始涉猎国际贸易市场,熟悉产品制造和营销流程,成功地将马来西亚食品带到了中国。罗先生经常接受内地媒体采访,因为他是马来西亚“水果之王”——榴莲的权威发言人。他和许多马来西亚华裔一样掌握多语能力,能流利地说普通话、广东话、英语和马来语。
Loh Wee Keng started his China journey in 1995 as Regional Manager (Greater China Area) at Automobile Bavarian (The first BMW importer to assemble the vehicle outside Germany which was later bought over by SCAS Investment Group 中汽南方投资集团). But Loh Wee Keng is most notable for his remarkable work in the food and trading industry in China.
In the year 2004, he ventured into the international trading business especially in manufacturing and distributing food and brought the taste of Malaysia to China. Loh Wee Keng frequently features in local media and has been the spokesperson for Malaysia and its most celebrated fruit- Durian. Like many Malaysian people of Chinese descent, Loh speaks fluently in Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Malay (An Austronesian language officially spoken in Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore)He currently spearhead Regal Plus, a nationwide food distribution company based in Beijing. He also runs a consultancy firm that provides business consultancy services to enterprises that focus on Malaysia-China Bilateral Trade. Other business ventures of Loh include automotive spare parts and animal feeds.
Mr Loh Wee Keng was also among the founding members of MayCham. He was in the Maycham China TASK FORCE committees back in 2003 when MayCham China formally submit the chamber application to the China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). He has since been actively involved in Chamber activities. He held various portfolios over the years as a committee member, which include Membership Director, Social and Sports Director, Business Director, Deputy Secretary-General, and Vice-Chairman.
Expertise: Food Distribution, Agriculture, Business Consulting, Automotive, Trading.
小野寺 修
Onodera Osamu, Director-General for Beijing Office, Chief Representative for North East Asia, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
2023年7月 日本贸易振兴机构任北京代表处所长
2021年7月 总务省国际战略局副局长
2018年7月 经济产业省通商政策局通商交涉官
2016年7月 内阁府知识产权战略推进事务局参事官
2015年7月 经济产业省通商机构部总括参事官
2013年7月 经济产业省通商机构部参事官兼任国际经济纠纷对策室室长
2010年7月 新能源·产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)硅谷事务所所长
2008年7月 经济产业省资源能源厅节能部增进国际合作室长
2005年9月 经济协力开发机构贸易局(OECD)首席贸易政策分析官
2003年6月 经济产业省通商政策局通商机构部参事官助理
1996年6月 斯坦福大学商科毕业
1991年4月 进入通商产业省
1991年3月 东京大学教养学部国际关系论专业毕业
Mr. Onodera started his career at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now METI) of Japan in 1991 and has worked mainly in the fields of trade and international cooperation throughout his career. He has served as Senior Trade Policy Analyst at the OECD Trade Policy Bureau, Chief Representative of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) in Silicon Valley, Counselor Multilateral Trade System Department, Deputy Director General for Trade Policy at METI, APEC Senior Official, among others, and has participated in numerous WTO, G7, G20, APEC, RCEP and bilateral meetings. Since July 2023, he has been the Director General of the Beijing Office / Chief Representative for North-East Asia of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), a government related organization under METI, which is in charge of promoting trade and investment between China and Japan. Mr. Onodera holds a BA from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
1. Current Position: Director-General for Beijing Office and Chief Representative for Northeast Asia, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
2. Previous Positions:
2021-2023: Director General for International Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication (MIC)
2018-2021: Deputy Director-General for Trade Policy, Trade Policy Bureau, METI
2016-2018: Counselor, Intellectual Property Strategy Office, Cabinet Office
2015-2016: Principal Director, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, METI
2013-2015: Director, Rules and WTO Compliance, Multilateral Trade System Department, Trade Policy Bureau, METI
2010-2013: Chief Representative of the Silicon Valley Office of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)
2008-2010: Director, International Affairs Office, Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
2005-2008: Senior Trade Analyst, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
1991: Joined Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
3. Education:
1996, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Master of Business Administration
1991, University of Tokyo, Bachelor of Arts, International Relations
丹尼斯·西蒙 国际人才组织联合会主席
Denis Simon, President,
Alliance of Global Talent Organization (AGTO)
美国籍,博士,1952 年出生于纽约布鲁克林,2006 年获得中国国家友谊奖。西蒙博士曾在美国多所顶尖大学担任终身教职,包括伦斯勒理工学院、宾州州立大学、纽约州立大学、俄勒冈大学和亚利桑那州立大学,他也曾在麻省理工大学任教,并担任哥伦比亚大学客座教授。他还曾在摩立特咨询集团和安达信咨询(现为埃森哲)两家公司担任过驻华领导职位。2015至 2020 年间,西蒙博士任昆山杜克大学的常务副校长。他多次出版学术著作,包括《中国科技崛起的人才优势》。
Dr. Denis Simon (USA), born in Brooklyn, NY in November 1952, won the China National Friendship Award in 2006. He has served as a tenured Full Professor at a number of top-tier US universities, including RPI, Penn State University, SUNY, the University of Oregon, and Arizona State University. He also served on the faculty at the Sloan School of Management at MIT and the Fletcher School at Tufts University as well as a guest professor at Columbia University. Along with a distinguished academic career, he has served in senior leadership positions in management consulting firms, including Andersen Consulting China (now Accenture) and Monitor Group China. From 2015 to 2020, Dr. Simon was the Executive Vice-Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University—a Simon-foreign joint venture located in Jiangsu, China. He is the author of numerous books and scholarly articles, including “China’s Emerging Technological Edge: The Role of High End Talent”.
曾晓彤 中国英国商会董事总经理
Rachel Tsang, Managing Director, BritCham China
作为中国英国商会的执行总监,Rachel 将她独特的国际视野和专业知识带到了工作中。Rachel来自香港,在英国取得本科学位,并在北京工作生活多年,这些都使得她对中国的文化和商业环境有着深刻的理解。自2019年加入中国英国商会以来,Rachel在建立和加强商会在中英商业领域的影响力方面发挥了重要作用,她领导了各种活动和市场战略,促进和加强了中英两国的商业联系纽带。同时,Rachel 热衷于加强人与人,以及企业之间的联系,致力于英商会的使命——力争在中国促成一个强大而成功的英国商业社群。
As the Managing Director of the British Chamber of Commerce in China, Rachel brings a unique blend of international perspective and expertise to the role. With roots in Hong Kong, a university education in the UK, and years of experience working in Beijing, Rachel has developed a deep understanding of the cultural and business landscape in China. Since joining the British Chamber in 2019, Rachel has been instrumental in building and enhancing the Chamber’s influence in the UK-China business landscape, leading various events and marketing initiatives that promote and strengthen business ties between the UK and China. With a passion for connecting people and businesses, Rachel strives to continue driving the Chamber’s mission of fostering a strong and successful British business community in China.
Thematic Roundtable 1: Trends in the Chinese Economy and Investment Strategies Chair
Participants (alphabetic):
陈剖建 中国红瑞资本管理(集团)有限公司CEO,CCG常务理事
Chuck P. J. Chen, CEO, China Horae Capital Management Group Co Ltd.; Senior Council Member of CCG
陈剖建先生曾是平安保险创始团队成员,并于1994年创建天安保险股份有限公司和天安人寿保险股份有限公司,担任董事长兼CEO达16年时间。2016年,陈剖建先生筹建瑞华健康保险股份有限公司,经中国银行保险监督管理委员会批准,瑞华保险于2018年5月15日正式成立,陈剖建先生任董事长。作为一家科技创新型专业健康保险公司,瑞华保险深入贯彻落实新发展理念与党的二十大精神,坚持以“健康中国”战略为引领,以健康促进为己任,以专业化的健康风险保障为核心,以数字化的“健康管家”平台为驱动,以生态化的“全球健保”医疗健康服务体系为支撑,紧紧围绕人民群众日益增长的医疗、健康、养老、护理等全生命周期、全场景的需求,构建了由专病健康业务(Special Care)、急速健康业务(Urgent Care)、长期护理业务(Long Term Care)、普惠健康业务(Total Care)等四大板块构成的“4C”业务体系,全方位推进商业健康保险与健康管理服务深度融合发展,积极服务民生保障和“健康中国”建设。
Mr Chuck P. J. Chen joined the start-up team of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd in 1988 and worked in the company for 6 years. He established Tian An Insurance Co.,Ltd. in 1994 and had been Chairman and CEO for 15 years. In 2001, Mr. Chen, as the Chairman, founded John Hancock Tian An Life Insurance Company which was restructured and renamed Tianan Life Insurance Co.,Ltd. in 2009.
Since 2010, Mr Chen was devoting himself to capital investment and established China Horae Capital Management Group Co Ltd.
In 2016, he became the Chief Director of the Preparatory Committee of Ruihua Health Assurance and has become the Chairman & CEO of Ruihua since the company was approved for operation by CBIRC on May 4th, 2018.
陈维广 蓝驰创投管理合伙人
Jui Tan, Managing Partner of BlueRun Ventures China
陈维广拥有10年产业经验以及中美两国20年早期科技投资经验。2000年加入蓝驰创投(硅谷),2005年创建蓝驰创投中国基金和团队,常驻北京。 加入蓝驰创投前,陈维广曾任职新加坡电讯,并在IBM从事计算机和网络系统工程管理工作。陈维广先生拥有新加坡南洋理工大学电子工程学士学位,瑞士洛桑IMD国际管理学院MBA学位。陈维广曾获评Forbes The Midas List全球最佳创投人TOP50。
Jui has 10 years of industry experience and 20 years of early-stage technology investment experience in China and the United States. He joined BlueRun Ventures (Silicon Valley) in 2000, and founded BlueRun Ventures China (headquartered in Beijing) in 2005.Before joining BlueRun Ventures, Jui held various management positions within Singapore Telecom. Prior to this, he held engineering management positions at IBM, focusing on computing and networking systems. Jui holds a bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and an MBA degree from IMD Lausanne, Switzerland. He was recognized by the Forbes’ Midas List as the world’s top 50 venture capitalists.
BlueRun Ventures China (BRV China) is a leading early-stage venture firm in China. Having its heritage in Silicon Valley since 1998 and entered China in 2005, BRV China has managed over $2 billion through multiple USD and RMB funds. BRV China focuses on investing in entrepreneurs who create a sustainable impact through technological innovations across enterprise services, transportation and smart machine, digital healthcare, and consumer technology sectors in China. The firm has invested in more than 150 portfolio companies, including Li Auto (NASDAQ: LI), QingCloud (688316.SH), WaterDrop (NYSE: WDH), Energy Monster (NASDAQ: EM), Mogujie/Meilishuo (NYSE: MOGU), Qudian (NYSE: QD), Ganji/58.com, PPTV, Guazi, Meishubao, Nanyan, Shanzhen, Gaussian Robotics, Yi Auto.
刘畅 嘉吉大中华区副总裁
LIU Chang, Vice President of Cargill Greater China
曾任克诺尔(中国)副总裁,中国区核心管理团队成员,泰雷兹(中国)副总裁,中国区核心管理团队成员;西门子(中国)有限公司市场及业务拓展总监、政府事务总监;德国海瑞克公司北京代表处首席代表(中国);德国海瑞克公司销售及市场高级经理(德国);中国驻外使馆官员;北京青年政治学院教师。经济学博士,工商管理硕士。刘畅拥有 20 年行业经验,涵盖世界 500 强跨国企业,政府机构,高等院校等。
She has 20 years of industry experience, covering the World’s top 500 multinational companies, government agencies and colleges. With abundant experience and in-depth understanding in policy and regulation analysis and their impacts on the development of foreigninvested enterprises in China, she is proven capable of cultivating and enhancing interactions with corporate and government stakeholders concerning policy advice and consultation.
She is an active member of the foreign business community and currently serves as the Deputy Secretary General of the Global CEO Council and Chair of European Chamber’s Government Affairs Forum. Prior to Cargill, she had served as Vice President Government Affairs, BD & Marketing for Knorr-Bremse AP, Vice President of Thales (China), Member of ECM; Director of Marketing and Business Development, Director of Government Affairs of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd.; Chief Representative of Beijing Representative Office of Herrenknecht (China); Senior Manager of Sales and Marketing of Herrenknecht AG (Germany); Official at China Embassy; Lecturer of Beijing Youth Politics College.
She holds PHD in Economics and MBA
刘小鹰 老鹰基金创始合伙人
LAU Siu Ying, Founding partner of Eagles Fund
怪兽充电 (EM.US)、影谱科技、趣拿网络、孚能科技 (688567.SH)、天兵科技、中感微、润建股份 (002929.SZ)、龙创设计 (832954.NQ)、流金岁月 (834021.BJ)、杰外动漫 (835948.NQ)、Knightscope (KSCP.US)、亿航智能 (EH.US)、旗鱼操作系统、收钱吧、国科光芯、鲜沐农场、荷马金融、比格飞序、煲仔皇、沉浸世界等
-The founding partner of Eagles Fund
-Partner of New Dragon Holdings
-The founder and chairman of the board of China Fortune Holdings Limited. (0110.HK)
-Partner of Silicon Valley F50 Ventures
-Member of the Global Alumni Advisory Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and a board member of New Asia College
-Initiator of the Torch Entrepreneurial Mentorship Alliance of the Ministry of Science and Technology
-The vice-chairman of the Angel Joint Assembly
-The vice-principal of Zhongguancun Angel Growth Camp
-One of China’s most active angel investors in 2015/2016
-China’s top ten young investors in 2016
In 1993, Mr. LAU left Hong Kong’s Hutchison Whampoa Group to establish China Fortune Holdings Limited. and became Nokia’s first national general agent. In 2000, the company successfully went public in Hong Kong.
In 2012, he founded the Eagles Fund and independently funded the Eagles Phase I Evergreen Fund. By the end of 2020, the Eagles Fund had invested in over two hundred TMT high-tech innovation projects, managing assets exceeding 3 billion RMB.
Mr. LAU holds a bachelor’s degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Master’s degree in Information Technology from the National University of Dublin, Ireland, and a diploma in venture capital from Harvard Business School.
Investment Cases
Energy Monster (EM.US), Moviebook Technology, Quna Network, Farasis Energy (688567.SH), Space Pioneer, Zgmicro, Runjian Co., Ltd. (002929.SZ), Launch Design (832954.NQ), Golden Times Media Technology (834021.BJ), JY Animation (835948.NQ), Knightscope (KSCP.US), EHang (EHUS), Sailfish OS, ShouQianBa, China Science Photon Chip Technology Co., Ltd., Summer Farm, Homer Finance, Bigfish Bio-tech, BaoZaiHuang, Immersive World, etc.
宋红娟 红曼同创投资基金管理创始合伙人、新建红曼基金执行董事
Susanne Song, Founding Partner, Hongman Tongchuang Fund Management; Executive Director, Xinjian HM Fund Management
Susanne Song is the founding partner of Hongman Tongchuang Investment Fund Management (Beijing)Co.,LTD, the Executive Director of Xinjian Hongman Fund Management (Beijing) Co.,LTD.
Her master’s degree is from University of St Andrews, UK. She joined Dachen Venture Capital in 2009, and was responsible for managing the government guidance fund cooperated by Dachen Venture Capital and Beijing Municipal Government.
Engaged in investment industry for more than 10 years, she is proficient in company evaluation and analysis. She has a profound understanding of China’s capital market and rich practical experience, and has good sensitivity and prospective in project judement.
In 2019, she established Xinjian Hongman together with Xinjiang Construction Corps, and now is responsible for the overall operation and development planning of the company.
王孝华 优联资本董事长
Jacky Wang, President, United Capital
Jacky used to be the senior executives of several big multinational companies, including Vice President of Alibaba Group, Vice President & Chief Representative of Alcoa Asia Pacific, Chairman & CEO of DHL China, Senior leaders of Ford, Caterpillar and RAG, etc.
Jacky has over 30 years working experience in traditional industries, including manufacturing, supply chain, as well as internet, e-commerce, digital industries,etc. He is also a successful investor who has involved in many investment and M&A projects.
Jacky is well known as a famous business strategist and financial advisor. In last 10 years, Jacky and his team has helped over 1,000 companies in terms of company strategy, management consulting, business innovation, capital strategy, resources integration, etc.
Jacky also maintains several important social roles & responsibilities, including Vice President of the Association of China Investment, Chairman of China E-commerce and Logistics Association. Vice Chairman of the Foreign Investment M&A Committee, Ministry of Commerce, etc.
熊伟铭 华创资本创始合伙人
Wayne Xiong, Founding Partner, China Growth Capital
熊伟铭 (Wayne) ,华创资本创始合伙人。熊伟铭在华创主导技术领域的投资,他曾任Bertelsmann Asia Investments(BAI)和WI Harper Group(中经合)的合伙人、Piper Jaffray的中国互联网分析师,参与了百度、携程、盛大游戏等中概股的IPO工作,亲历了中国创投超过20年,从2005年开始同时覆盖医疗和科技领域的早期投资机会(理邦仪器、科美诊断、傲游浏览器、天奈科技等)。熊伟铭毕业于北京大学经济学院国际经济系。
Wayne,Founding Partner of China Growth Capital. Wayne joined us in 2012 and initiated frontier technology / life science themes. He was Partner at Bertelsmann Asia Investments and WI Harper Group: iClick (NASDAQ: ICLK), Mogujie (NASDAQ: MOGU), ChIVD (STAR: 688468), Edan Instrument (SZSE: 300206) and Cnano Technologies (STAR: 688116) etc. Prior to VC, Wayne was an analyst at Piper Jaffray. Earlier he co-founded a Bluetooth startup. Wayne grew up in Beijing with a B.A. in Economics from Peking University.
徐芳 银河系创投管理合伙人、CCG常务理事
XU Fang, Managing Partner, Galaxy Ventures; Senior Council Member of CCG
徐芳,银河系创投管理合伙人, 2015年,加入独角兽企业“找钢网”担任CVC投资部负责人,专注B2B供应链方向的投资。 2017年,联合创办银河系创投。长江商学院EMBA 。
银河系创投专注数字供应链投资,我们相信科技改变产业,B2B Via ABC(AI、Big data 、Cloud)。我们立足制造业、深耕供应链、融合新科技,布局全产业链条,尤其是关注依托数字化、智能化提升生产效率、并将绿色低碳经济观念融入其中的新型早期投资机会。
Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business EMBA; In 2015, joined the unicorn ZHAOGANG as the head of CVC investment department, focusing on B2B supply chain direction; In 2017, co-funded Galaxy Venture.
Galaxy Venture focuses on digital supply chain investment. We believe that technology changes the industry, and B2B would transform via ABC(AI/Big data/Cloud). Our investment is based on the manufacturing industry, deep cultivation of supply chain, and integration of new technologies. We pay attention to the whole industrial chain, especially focusing on the digitalization and intelligence to improve producing efficiency. Moreover, we dig out the targets which can combine the concept of green and low-carbon economy into the new early development opportunities.
As the managing partner of Galaxy Venture, Xu Fang is in charge of the fundraising and post-investment management of the funds, as well as the establishment and operation of the fund team. Meanwhile, she still does the deep research of the tracks&industries and takes responsibility for due diligence of star projects.
Presentative projects: Mancando(Automotive Aftermarket), JiePei(PCB Industrial Internet), UBI(AI Auto Insurance), Deep Blue Aerospace(Liquid, Recoverable and Reusable Rocket Production), ZhongKe Times(Industrial High-end Computing Equipment)
“The Best Female Investors in China’s Equity Investment Industry”
“TOP10 New Investors in Industrial Internet”
“TOP25 Best Early Investors Born after 1985”
“The 21 Best Women Investors of 2021” and other honors
张黎刚 爱康集团创始人、董事长兼CEO,CCG常务理事
Lee Ligang Zhang, Founder, Chairman and CEO of iKang Heathcare Group; Senior Council Member of CCG
在创立爱康网之前,张黎刚先生联合创立了中国最大的互联网在线旅游服务公司之一艺龙网,并从1999年到2003年担任首席执行官。从1998年到1999年,张黎刚前后担任了搜狐网产品经理和产品总监,全面负责搜狐网的内容频道。搜狐网和艺龙网前后于纳斯达克成功上市。在哈佛大学就读研究生期间,张黎刚先生于1997年创立了Harvard China Review《哈佛中国评论》期刊、于1998联合创立了哈佛中国论坛。
Mr. Lee Ligang Zhang has been a successful serial entrepreneur and business executive since he dropped out from graduate school at Harvard University in 1998, bringing his knowledge and acumen to a number of companies in his professional career that range from healthcare to the Internet, and has built two companies which went public on NASDAQ.
Mr. Zhang founded iKang Healthcare Group, Inc. (“iKang”) in 2004, successfully merging healthcare delivery system with a versatile online platform to build a preventative healthcare service network that spanned the entire country. This “anytime, anywhere” network was to become the blueprint for the industry that transformed how individuals accessed healthcare services in China.
Since its inception, Mr. Zhang has been serving as iKang’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. iKang was listed on the NASDAQ in April 2014 and is a leader in China’s fast growing middle to high end private preventive healthcare services market.
Prior to iKang, Mr. Zhang was a co-founder of eLong.com and served as CEO from 1999 to 2003. eLong.com was then the second largest online travel service company and listed on the NASDAQ in October 2004. From 1998 to 1999, Mr. Zhang served as head of product development at Sohu.com, a leading NASDAQ-listed Chinese Internet portal. Mr. Zhang founded the journal Harvard China Review in 1997 and co-founded the Harvard China Forum in 1998 while studying at Harvard University.
Mr. Zhang is currently also a board member of MSH HK Limited, which operates the largest high end private health insurance service platform in China. Mr. Zhang serves as Vice President of Chinese Physicians Group Association with Chinese Non-government Medical Institute Association, Vice President of Beijing Health Management Association, and Vice President of the Harvard Club of Beijing as well Vice President of Shanghai Alumni Association at Fudan University. Mr. Zhang was named as EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2014 National Life Sciences Award Winner in China.
Mr. Zhang studied biology as an undergraduate student at Fudan University in China, and went on to receive a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Concordia College in the US before obtaining a master’s degree in genetics from Harvard Medical School Division of Medical Sciences.
张连起 全国政协常委、中国企业财务管理协会会长、CCG特邀高级研究员
ZHANG Lianqi, Member of CPPCC National Committee; President of the China Enterprise Financial Management Association;Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
北京大学经济学博士。英国特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)资深会员,澳大利亚公共会计师协会(IPA AU)终身荣誉资深公共会计师(FIPA),英国伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)访问学者,在多所著名大学任特聘教授。第十二届全国政协委员、提案委员会委员,兼任财政部第一届会计标准战略委员会委员、财政部内部控制委员会委员、财政部管理会计咨询专家、最高人民检察院特约检察员、《中国注册会计师》编辑委员会委员等,十几年来多项建言献策成果得到党和国家领导人的高度重视和重要批示。在《人民政协报》《中国税务》《人民日报》《中国注册会计师》等报刊杂志发表文章七百余篇,编著《数豆者说》《左数字 右人文》《起而论道》《会计师事务所质量控制》等作品十二部,在会计审计理论和资本市场领域具有独特造诣。
Zhang Lianqi, CCG Non-Resident Senior Fellow. Mr. Zhang is a member of CPPCC National Standing Committee, and managing partner of Ruihua Certified Public Accountants.
Thematic Roundtable 2: The Quest for Innovation: Institutions and Ecosystems
Participants (alphabetic):
侯雪 赛迪研究院国际合作研究中心副所长
HOU Xue, Deputy Director of CCID International Cooperation Research Center
侯雪,荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学与北京师范大学联合培养经济地理学博士、副研究员 (产业与区域经济),现任赛迪国际合作研究中心副所长,曾任赛迪顾问股份有限公司副总裁,新兴产业百人会副秘书长,近年来主要从事产业经济、产业规划、新兴产业大数据应用等领域的研究。主持项目:主要参与5+项工信部研究课题,主持近30+个国家级、地方级大型地方战略规划课题,落实30+项省部级产业研究、各地市产业规划、产业园区规划等,得到当地政府领导认可,并提供持续服务。研究成果:作为主稿人参与多项学术论文撰写,在专业核心期刊、地方刊物上发表论文11篇,出版专著《高铁站点地区发展机制与模式研究》。打造新兴产业百人会联盟和研究系列,发表文章数十篇,撰写的多篇文章作为内部报告被中办或国办采用刊发。在赛迪顾问任职期间,牵头产业大脑团队,打造专精特新大数据平台,研发基于大数据的专精特新指数,并多次接受央视采访解读。
Hou Xue, PhD of Economic Geography and Associate Researcher (Industry and Regional Economy) jointly trained by University of Amsterdam and Beijing Normal University, the Deputy Director of CCID International Cooperation Research Center, the former Vice President of CCID Consulting Co., LTD., the Deputy Secretary General of the China Industries of Future 100, specializes in the research of industrial economy, industrial planning, and big data application in emerging industries.
Host projects: Participated in more than 5 research projects of China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT); Hosted more than 30 national and local level large-scale local strategic planning projects; Implemented more than 30 provincial and ministerial level industrial research, municipal industrial planning, industrial park planning, etc.. The projects won the recognition of the leaders from the local governments, and the project teams were appointed for providing follow-up services.
Research achievements: Participated in the composition of a number of academic papers as the lead writer; Published 11 papers in professional core and local journals, and a monograph “The Developing Mechanism and Mode of High Speed Train Areas”; Built up the China Industries of Future 100 and created the related research series. Dozens of articles were published and many of them were adopted as internal reports by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council; During her tenure in CCID Consulting Co., LTD, she led the team “industrial brain” to build a big data platform of specialized and sophisticated enterprises and develop indexes of specialized and sophisticated enterprises based on big data. She was interviewed by CCTV for many times to interpret the related policies and trends.
刘大成 中国产业发展研究院常务副院长
LIU Dacheng, Executive Vice President of the China Institute of Industrial Development
刘大成,55岁,清华大学工学博士,清华大学工业工程系博导,中国产业发展研究院常务副院长,曾任清华大学互联网产业研究院副院长,清华大学工业工程系党委副书记,德国亚琛工业大学访问教授,美国北卡罗莱纳大学联合副教授,国内十余家高校兼职教授;曾获北京市科技新星,清华大学教学成果一等奖,清华大学研究生良师益友奖,清华大学林枫教师奖,改革开放40年交通运输与物流杰出专家40人,IEEE RAS 2020年度最佳创新应用论文奖,十余个国家一级学会分会会长或主任委员,多家期刊编委,主持包括国家自然科学基金、863、国家社科基金等项目200余项,发表专著7部、学术论文200余篇,国家专利5项,高端智库报告20余份,新华社专栏文章260余篇。
Professor Liu Da-cheng is 55 years old. He is vice president of the Institute of Internet Industry, Tsinghua University, deputy director of Department of Industry Engineering, Tsinghua University, and executive vice president of the China Institute of Industrial Development. He obtained Ph.D. from Tsinghua University in 1998, and has been a visiting professor of Aachen University of Technology (RWTH-Aachen), Germany, a joint associate professor of the University of North Carolina (UNC), and part-time professors of many domestic universities. He has won the Beijing Science & Technology Star in 2003, the first prize for teaching achievements of Tsinghua University in 2005, the Tsinghua University Graduate Mentor Award in 2004, the Tsinghua University Linfeng Teacher Award in 2006, the 40 outstanding experts in Chinese transportation and logistics in the 40 years of Reform and Opening up in 2018, the IEEE RAS 2020 Best New Application Paper Award, the president or chairman of more than a dozen national first-class society branches, the editorial board of many journals, and more than 200 projects PI, including the National Natural Science Foundation, 863, the National Social Science Foundation, etc. Prof. LIU has published 7 books, more than 200 academic papers, 5 national patents, more than 20 reports of national high-level Think Tanks, and more than 260 columns of Xinhua news agency.
吕勇 Syniverse Technologies 全球副总裁
Louis Lu, Vice President, Syniverse Technologies
吕勇先生2009年加入美国Syniverse Technologies公司, 现任该公司全球副总裁, 负责大中华区业务, 常驻北京。Syniverse公司是跨国移动通信领域的全球领先企业。
吕先生对跨国移动通信的先进技术和全球发展趋势具有深刻的认知和丰富的实践经验, 同时长期热心于促进中外文化,科技和跨国经营管理等方面的沟通与交流。
Mr. Louis Lu joined Syniverse Technologies (a US based leading company for cross-country mobile communications) in 2009. Based in Beijing, he is currently Vice President and Head of Greater China Business at Syniverse.
Mr. Lu has over 30 years experiences and over 20 years senior management background with world’s major multi-national companies in telecommunication sector. Prior to Syniverse, Mr. Lu took management positions at NEC, AT&T, Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent. He made significant contributions to long-term mutual beneficiary and win-win between these multi-nationals and China’s telecom industry. Mr. Lu also has successful experiences in strategic market penetration and creative business development under cross-culture environments.
Mr. Lu is an active promoter of culture, technology and business management exchanges between China and the rest of the world.
Mr. Louis Lu holds MA and EMBA degrees from China’s Wuhan University.
裴金林 思爱普(SAP)大中华区副总裁
Elizabeth Pei, Vice President of Government Affairs, SAP Greater China
Elizabeth Pei oversees SAP Greater China’s broad public sector-facing portfolio including public policy management, thought leadership support and business development activities.
Elizabeth brings to SAP more than 20 years of experience managing public affairs in some of the world’s largest companies in technology, manufacturing and media and entertainment sectors in the U.S., Asia Pacific and China markets. Prior to joining SAP, Elizabeth was with The Walt Disney Company and Schneider Electric, managing government affairs, corporate social responsibility, crisis management, and diversity and inclusion programs. She has successfully supported strategy development, business expansion and brand building throughout her tenure. Previously, Elizabeth was with Dell Technologies for twelve years.
Elizabeth serves as a member of the Board of Directors with USITO (United States Information Technology Office) and was the Vice-Chair on the American Chamber of Commerce’s (AmCham) Government Affairs Committee; Chair of the Government Affairs Committee of the European Union Chamber of Commerce (EUCCC). She is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Dulwich College Beijing.
Elizabeth holds a B.A. in Economics from Peking University, China, and an M.S. in Management Science from Tsinghua University, China, as well as an M.S. in Information Systems Management from Carnegie Mellon University.
商容 微软亚太研发集团运营传播及公共事务副总裁
Shang Rong, Vice President of Communications & Government Affairs, Microsoft Asia-Pacific Research and Development Group (ARD)
海淀区第 15-17届人大代表。中国国际公关协会企业委员会主任。香港大学全球创意产业课程学部顾问。2006年底加入微软,让传播工作面向更广泛的受众,推动社会、企业和个人相辅相成的变化和成长。从事品牌传播、政府关系及公共事务管理工作26年。此前在思科系统公司工作8年;1996-1998在伟达公关任职两年。
Shang Rong is Vice President of Communications & Government Affairs, Microsoft Asia-Pacific Research and Development Group (ARD). In this role, she is responsible for driving Microsoft’s overall communications strategy and efforts in the Asia-Pacific region from the R&D perspectives, orchestrating internal and external integrated communications, media relations, and government affairs. Shang Rong is a veteran of Corporate Communications and marketing scene for over 20 years. The 15th-17th Deputy to the People’s Congress of Haidian District. She brings a wealth of knowledge with a unique combination of journalistic, agency and in-house experience. Prior to joining Microsoft in 2006, Shang Rong was the head of Corporate Communications of Cisco in China.
唐建国 北京市大数据中心副主任,北京市经济和信息化局大数据应用与产业处处长、一级调研员
TANG Jianguo, Deputy Director of Beijing Big Data Centre; Director, Department of Data Application and Industry at Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology
徐洪才 中国政策科学研究会经济政策委员会副主任,CCG特邀高级研究员
XU Hongcai, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Commission, China Association of Policy Science; Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)
Dr. Xu Hongcai is an invited senior researcher of CCG, a famous economist and a visiting scholar of University of British Columbia, Canada. He is currently the deputy director of the Economic Policy Committee of the China Society for Policy Science. He was the editor of the first Chinese book “The Complete Book of Investment Fund Operation” and “Investment Banking”. He has published more than 10 books, including “The Age of Change: China and Global Economic Governance”, “China’s Economy in the Context of Globalization”, and “The Great Power Financial Strategy: Strategies and Directions for China’s Financial Power”; he has published more than 300 articles and research reports. He has traveled to the United States and Europe several times to attend international seminars and deliver academic lectures.
叶笑风 诺维信亚太区副总裁
Ye Xiaofeng, APAC Vice President, Novozymes
Mr. Ye Xiaofeng is the APAC Vice President of Novozymes. He is responsible for the overall management in Bioenergy, BioAg, Animal Health & Nutrition, Starch, Vegetable Oil Processing, Distilling, and the Technical Industries, which includes Textile, Leather, Water and Forest. Together with partners, he and his team are committed to improving the performance and efficacy of industry and agriculture, helping customers save energy and promote the sustainable development of our planets.
Mr. Ye joined Novozymes in 2011 in the United States and has taken various management positions at Novozymes headquarter, North America, Asia and China, respectively, with rich experience of cross-cultural leadership. He has a strong track record of driving business growth, developing and implementing digital and innovation strategy in the regional and global organization. He has accumulated extensive experiences in sales, marketing, strategy, and digital management. His unique and in-depth insights on business operation, digital and innovation management has gained broad recognition internally and externally.
Mr. Ye Xiaofeng holds a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering at University of Illinois. He obtained his B.S. and M.S. in Nankai University and Shanghai Jiaotong University.
叶小伟 高通公司全球高级副总裁
YE Xiaowei, Senior Vice President, Qualcomm
叶小伟拥有乔治城大学(Georgetown University)文学士学位和乔治城大学法律中心法律博士学位。
Xiaowei Ye is the Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Head of Qualcomm China Government Affairs. She leads Qualcomm’s Government Affairs organization in China. Splitting her time between Beijing and Washington/San Diego, she works closely with Qualcomm headquarter to support Qualcomm China management team and China operation, along with the local China GA team.
Xiaowei has more than 25 years of experience practicing law in China representing many multinationals. She has advised multinationals on regulatory matters, including obtaining approvals and licenses in regulated industries, general regulatory compliance and crisis management related to regulatory investigations, product recalls and other issues. Before joining Qualcomm in 2022, she served for the law firm Rimon, where she was a partner in the firm’s Shenzen and Washington, D.C. offices.
Xiaowei holds a J.D. degree from Georgetown University Law Center and a B.A. from Georgetown University.
Thematic Roundtable 3: Pathways to Net-Zero and Green Transition: Business Opportunities
Participants (alphabetic):
李 健 国网能源研究院总工程师
LI Jian, Chief Engineer, State Grid Energy Research Institute
Li Jian, the Chief Engineer of the State Grid Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd., is a professor-level senior engineer. He has been engaged in the research of energy, power grid development planning, corporate strategic management, power grid investment, and project management for a long time. He has previously worked at the State Grid Corporation’s Development and Planning Department, Jiangxi Provincial Power Company, and its affiliated local power supply companies, having rich theoretical and practical experience.
马超德 联合国开发计划署助理驻华代表
Ma Chaode, Assistant Resident Representative,UNDP China
Dr. Ma Chaode joined UNDP China since Feb. 2011, he is Assistant Resident Representative and Director of Planet Pillar of UNDP China.
He worked in Ministry of Water Resources for nearly ten years focus on Soil & Water Conservation, in which he was Deputy-Division Chief for supervising ecological programmes. He was the first National UNEP-GEF Program Manager for Yangtze Flood Control and Ecological Conservation Project in FECO (Foreign Environmental Cooperation Office) of Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP). He has worked in World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Beijing Office for five years as Freshwater Programme Director.
Dr. Ma is Guest Professor of China Ocean University and Minzu University of China. He has 26 years experience in the fields of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services, River basin and water resources management, Soil & Water Conservation.
秦虎 美国环保协会(EDF)副总裁,北京代表处首席代表
QIN Hu, Vice President of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Chief Representative of EDF’s Beijing Representative Office
Hu Qin leads a team in EDF Beijing office that conducts cross-cutting research to explore opportunities for improving the environment in China while bringing global climate benefits. He is responsible for developing the strategies and approaches needed for the China team to fulfill EDF’s mission in China. He is instrumental in the collaboration between EDF, key research institutes affiliated under governments, and universities. He also acts as a coordinator of the China Energy Modeling Forum (CEMF), jointly established by EDF and Tsinghua University, which aims to enhance integrated modeling capacity to support China’s policy making. His areas of expertise include climate and energy policy, environmental enforcement, emission trading and carbon market, green supply chain, green finance, ecosystems. He received a PhD in Public Administration from Renmin University of China and a master’s degree in Public Policy from Tsinghua University.
吴媖 评安国蕴创始人、CEO,瑞士银行学会BBZ中国办公室负责人
Wu Ying, Founder and CEO of Prestige and Fortune Fintech; Chief Representative of BBZ Academy (Switzerland) China Office
拥有近 20 年金融、财富管理、ESG 相关领域的研究、咨询及培训经验。吴媖女士是国内 ESG 新发展理念的先行者与倡导者,致力于推动国内 ESG 发展,建立更具备全球推广能力的中国ESG 标准体系,是《企业 ESG 信息披露通则》、《企业 ESG 评价通则》、《ESG 评价机构服务规范》等标准的主要撰写人之一。
❖ 评安国蕴(北京)科技有限公司 创始人 CEO
❖ 中国国际科技促进会国际院士联合体可持续发展与 ESG 办公室主任
❖ 瑞士银行学会 BBZ 中国办公室首代
❖ UBS 瑞银证券财富管理部(中国),副董事
❖ 纽约金融学院(中国)副总经理,产品研发负责人
❖ 香港银行学会北京代表处 CEO
❖ 中国银行业协会教育培训部主任
❖ 中国金属成型协会国际部负责人
❖ 教育背景:英国理学硕士(MSc),国际金融方向
Ms. Wu has 20 years of research, consulting, and training experience in finance, wealth management, and ESG related fields. She is a pioneer and advocate of ESG in China. With her international perspective and rich domestic and international resources and experience, she is committed to promoting the development of ESG in China and establishing a more global promotion capable Chinese ESG standard system. She is one of the main writers of < General requirements for disclosure of enterprises ESG information>, < General requirements for enterprises ESG assessment> and < Specifications for enterprises ESG assessment service providers> etc.
❖ Founder and CEO of Prestige and Fortune (Beijing) Fintech Co., Ltd
❖ Director of the Office of Sustainable Development and ESG of the International Academician Federation of the China Association for the Promotion of International Science and Technology
❖ Chief Representative of BBZ China Office
❖ Deputy Director of UBS Securities Wealth Management Department (China)
❖ Deputy General Manager and Product R&D Director, New York Institute of Finance (China)
❖ CEO of the Beijing Representative Office of the Hong Kong Banking Association
❖ Director of Education and Training Department of China Banking Association
❖ Director of the International Department of the China Metal Forming Association
❖ Education: Master of Science (MSc), International Finance
谢宇轩 伊顿电气集团关键能源事业部亚太区服务及软件业务总监
Xie YuXuan, Head of Asia-Pacific Service and Software Business, Critical Power System Division of Eaton Electric Group
谢宇轩 博士,伊顿电气集团关键电源事业部,亚太区服务与软件业务负责人。曾就职于戴尔,惠普等多家知名跨国企业,专注企业客户服务领域20余年,拥有丰富的端到端企业客户服务经验,深刻的客户理解以及行业洞察。在过去的几年间,谢宇轩 博士 积极推动伊顿Brightlayer软件技术与数字化解决方案在大中华区企业客户中的落地与应用,先后在国内发布了IPM2.0智能电源管理器,VCOM可视化数据中心资源管理系统,和E-Cloud主动式智能服务平台等多款全球领先的软件产品。配合伊顿顶尖的企业级专业服务与产品解决方案,真正助力本土企业增长和数字化转型,为客户创造更多价值,并为整个行业持续注入新的活力。
Dr. Xie YuXuan, Critical Power System Division of Eaton Electric Group, Head of Asia-Pacific Service and Software Business. He has worked in many well-known multinational enterprises such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard, and has been focusing on the field of enterprise customer service for more than 20 years. He has rich end-to-end enterprise customer service experience, deep customer understanding and industry insight. In the past few years, Dr. Xie Yuxuan has actively promoted the implementation and application of Eaton Brightlayer software technology and digital solutions among enterprise customers in Greater China, and has successively released IPM2.0, VCOM, E-Cloud and other world-leading software products in China. In cooperating with Eaton’s top enterprise-level professional services and product solutions, truly helping the growth and digital transformation of local enterprises, creating more customer value, and continue to inject more vitalities into the whole industry.
徐旸 雅保中国区总裁
Gloria Xu, Country Manager and
Vice President, Albemarle
Gloria Xu is China Country Manager and Vice President, External Affairs of Albemarle. In this role, Gloria represents Albemarle in China and is charged to develop a strategic vision and effective engagement plans for the company to grow sustainable in the country.
Before joining Albemarle in Feb, 2022, Gloria Xu worked for Dow Inc for more than seven years and her last role was Vice President, Greater China, serving as Dow’s corporate representative with government, trade associations and other key external stakeholders. Before joining Dow in 2014, she led the China government affairs functions of DuPont and Standard Chartered Bank respectively for 13 years. Gloria was China Public Relations Manager of Alibaba.com Group in 2000-2001 and helped build up brand awareness of the new company in its early years. From 1993 to 2000, Gloria was a political correspondent with China Daily, covering legislative and foreign affairs, military, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan news.
徐忠华 道达尔能源亚洲研发副总裁
XU Zhonghua, Vice President and Head of Total Energies R&D for Asia
– 中国欧盟商会能源工作组主席
– 中欧绿色与创新产业协会副理事长
– 中国外商投资协会双碳和可持续发展专委会副主席
– 跨国公司碳中和50人论坛常务理事
– 中国能源学会专家委员会副主任
– 亚洲科技促进可持续发展联盟理事
– 道达尔能源教授协会教授
– 全球气候创新与治理研究中心高级研究员
– 零碳机场及园区全球30人论坛成员
– 空中丝绸之路国际合作峰会专家委员会委会
– 中国欧盟商会研发工作组前主席
– 吉林省高端智库专家
Bachelor and PhD from Tsinghua University in 1996 and 2001 respectively.
Tokyo University as Senior Researcher, Faculty Member, China Representative for School of Engineering during 2001-2009, the period of when, he devoted to super-high density Microelectronic technology research, organized form for Asia Advanced University Alliance, founded Wuxi International Ecodesign and Microelectronic Packaging Center, initiated Green Electronic International Conference. In 2008, he joined TotalEnergies as Chief Scientist of China, Vice President for Asia R&D, led group R&D and Innovation for Asia, developed and managed 40+ R&D projects.
Awarded of Best Paper for International Conference by several times, Special Award for 10-year China Microelectronic Packaging, No 2 for Sino-France Climate Innovation at COP 21
Societal Role
– National Chair for Energy WG of European Union Chambers of Commerce in China
– Vice Chair, China-Europe Green and Innovation Association
– Vice Chair, Committee of Carbon Peak and Neutrality and Sustainable Development, CAEFI
– Standing Director, Multi-national Companies Carbon Neutrality 50 Forum
– Vice Director, Expert Committee, China Energy Society
– Member of Director Committee, Tech4SDG Asia Alliance
– Professor for TotalEnergies Professional Association
– Senior Researcher for Global Climate Innovation and Governance Center
– Member of Zero Emission Airport and Park Global 30 Forum
– Former National Chair for R&D WG of European Union Chambers of Commerce in China
杨晓忠 天合光能副总裁兼首席品牌官
Colin Yang, Vice President and Chief Brand Officer of Trina Solar Co., Ltd
Joined the company in 2010, Mr. Xiao Zhong (Colin) Yang is now the Vice President and Chief Brand Officer of Trina Solar . He has diplomatic experience as long as two decades including his service at the Information Department of the Ministry of foreign affairs of China, the Chinese Embassy in Thailand, the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, respectively as the Director of Public Relations, Spokesman. He has also more than a decade experience of corporate public affairs including his service as the Director for Government Communication of Cisco Systems (China) and Vice President for Government Affairs of Siemens (China).
No matter as a diplomat or a Chief Brand Officer, he has been dedicated to the communication practices among the key stake holders aimed at mutual understanding and consensus. He had joined many communication events such as China-EU CEO and Former Senior Official’s Dialogue, China-Japan CEO and Former Senior Official’s Dialogue, China-U.S CEO and Former Senior Official’s Dialogue, Boao Forum For Asia, World Economic Forum, the Understanding China International Conference and talked about the stories of China’s photovoltaic and solar industry as well as Trina Solar. He was successively awarded the Outstanding Chief Brand Officer in China’s photovoltaic industry in 2018, 2019 and 2020. He was listed in the top 500 Chinese Chief Brand Officers in 2021. In 2022, he was awarded the “Top Ten Chief Brand Officers of China” during the Chinese Brand Festival.
He studied at Jilin University and China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).
尹冬 江森自控(中国)投资有限公司中国区数字化解决方案负责人
Brandon Yin, China Smart Building & Digital Solution Leader, Johnson Controls
With his experience in Real Estate Industry over 18 years, covering project management, service operation management, building operation and maintenance, marketing strategy development, business development and digital solution in both China and overseas, he leverages the knowhow of buidling operation and digital solution across building digital transformation and building lean management, empowering enterprise to drive Net Zero Building and approach carbon neutrality goal.
岳 鹏 北京绿色交易所总经理助理
YUE Peng, Assistant to Gernal Manager, Beijing Green Exchange
YUE Peng is the Assistant General Manager of CHINA BEIJING GREEN EXCHANGE,who has 15 years’ experience in environment exchange, green public service, environment protection and low carbon transportation.
赵鑫 极地绿色能源集团董事、中国公司总裁
Charlotte Zhao, Managing Director, Arctic Green Energy China
Ms. Zhao is Board member of Arctic Green Corporation and has been leading the Group’s business in China for over a decade. She also serves Board member and CFO of the Group’ s portfolio investment, the joint venture with China Petrochemical Corporation (“Sinopec Group”)., “Sinopec Green Energy Geothermal Development Co, Ltd (“SGEG”).
Arctic Green and its JV form the world’s largest and fastest growing geothermal district heating company on a mission to bring green geothermal energy to cities across the world. Arctic Green is DEVELOPER, OWNER AND OPERATOR of clean heating and energy systems in over 50 municipalities across Asia and Europe. Arctic Green is owned by its founder and GIC, the Singapore Sovereign Wealth fund.
Ms. Zhao’s area of expertise includes business strategy and execution, corporate finance, and compliance. Ms. Zhao works closely with government authorities in international collaboration in promoting geothermal utilization and fighting against climate change, including establishment of China-Iceland Geothermal R&D Center under Ministry of Science and launching of UNESCO Geothermal Training program in China. Her team registered the first geothermal district heating Clean Development Mechanism under UN Framework Climate Change.
Ms. Zhao received education in China, UK and US. She obtained master’s degree in Finance Management. Ms Zhao is Harvard Business School alumni.