

Special address:


Hon. JIN Hui, Vice Governor of Hebei Province




Hon. ZHOU Yanli, Former Vice Chairman, China Insurance Regulatory Commission


Zhou Yanli CCG Advisor and Former Vice Chairman of China Insurance Regulatory Commission Zhou Yanli is currently CCG advisor and former vice chairman of China Insurance Regulatory Commission. He is a member of the CPPCC and is researcher for the Counselors’ Office for the State Council of the PRC. He was born in June 1956 in Shandong. He graduated from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics with a major in foreign trade.


H.E. Marcos Galvão, Ambassador of Brazil to China

高望大使出生于1959年,1980年毕业于巴西白河外交学院,并在位于美国华盛顿的美国大学获得国际关系硕士学位。1980年9月2日加入外交部,担任三等秘书。 外交部期间历任: 1982-1984年,任秘书长顾问; 1998-2001年,任部长办公室副主任兼部长发言人; 2016年5月- 2018年12月,任外交部秘书长。 在其他政府部门历任: 1990-1992年,任总统府外事顾问; 1994年,任财政部长顾问; 1993-1994年,任环境部长办公室主任; 2005-2007年,任财政部长办公室主任; 2008-2010年,任财政部主管国际事务副部长兼财政部二十国集团首席谈判代表。 驻外期间历任: 1984-1987年,巴西驻美洲国家组织使团二等秘书(美国华盛顿); 1987-1989年,巴西驻巴拉圭大使馆二等秘书和一等秘书(巴拉圭亚松森); 1995-1998年,巴西驻英国大使馆参赞(英国伦敦);2001-2005年,巴西驻美国大使馆公使衔参赞和代办(美国华盛顿); 2011年1月- 2013年10月,任巴西驻日本大使; 2013年10月- 2016年5月,任巴西驻世贸组织及其他经济组织常驻代表(日内瓦); 2019年2月- 2022年7月,任巴西驻欧盟使团团长(布鲁塞尔)。 大使还曾在巴西外交学院教授多门课程,包括外交语言和巴西对外政策。

Marcos Galvão is the Ambassador of Brazil in China since August 2022.

Ambassador Marcos Galvão, born in 1959, graduated from the Rio Branco Institute – the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy – in 1980 and obtained a master’s degree in International Affairs from the American University in Washington, D.C. He began his diplomatic career as Third Secretary on 2 September 1980.

Ambassador Galvão held several positions at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including Advisor to the Secretary-General (1982-1984) and Deputy Chief of Staff and Spokesperson to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1998-2001).

From May 2016 to December 2018, he was Secretary-General of Foreign Affairs (Deputy Foreign Minister).

In other government bodies, he served as Deputy Diplomatic Advisor to the President of the Republic (1990-1992), Advisor to the Minister of Finance (1994) and Chief of Staff to the Minister of the Environment (1993-1994) and Minister of Finance (2005-2007). Lastly, he was Secretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Finance and the head negotiator for the Ministry of Finance in the G-20 process (2008-2010).

He  taught  several  courses  at the  Rio  Branco  Institute,  including  Diplomatic  Expression  and Brazilian Foreign Policy.

Ambassador Galvão is married to Ms. Ana Doria Galvão and has two adult children.


Dr. WANG Huiyao, President of CCG; Former Counselor of the State Council; Vice Chairman of China Association for International Economic Cooperation

博士,教授,博导 全球化智库(CCG)理事长、国务院原参事 全球化智库(CCG)理事长,国务院原参事,商务部中国国际经济合作学会副会长,中国公共关系协会副会长,中国人才研究会国际人才专业委员会会长,中国人民外交学会理事,西南财经大学发展研究院院长,清华大学全球胜任力发展指导中心顾问委员会成员。曾任国家经贸部(现商务部)国际经济合作司官员,世界银行专家,全球最大工程咨询和项目管理公司之一SNC-Lavalin国际公司董事总经理,世界大型跨国项目管理公司AMEC-Agra国际公司副总裁,加拿大魁北克驻香港和大中华区首席经济代表。 在加拿大西大略大学和英国曼切斯特大学攻读博士研究生,获得国际管理博士学位(PhD)。曾任哈佛大学肯尼迪学院高级研究员和美国布鲁金斯学会客座研究员。多次应邀出席达沃斯论坛,慕尼黑安全会议,巴黎和平论坛,柏林外交论坛和Milken等国际著名论坛担任演讲嘉宾。 在全球化战略,企业国际化,中美关系,人才发展,智库研究等领域有丰富的研究。

Dr. Henry Huiyao WANG Founder and President of Center for China and Globalization Former Counselor to China State Council (2015-2021) Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang is the Founder and President of Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and former Counselor to China State Council. In addition, he is Vice Chairman of China Association for International Economic Cooperation under the Ministry of Commerce, Vice Chairman of China Public Relations Association; a Director of Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs and a Director of China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, both organizations under the supervision of Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Dean of Institute of Development Studies of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics of China, and a member of Advisory Committee for Global Competence Development of Tsinghua University. Currently, he is a Steering Committee Member of Global Governance for the Digital Ecosystems (GGDE), Paris Peace Forum, Pandemic Action Network (PAN), and also sits on the Advisory Board of Duke Kunshan University and Richard Ivey Business School. Dr. Wang pursued his PhD studies at University of Western Ontario and University of Manchester. He was a Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, a Visiting Fellow of Brookings Institute, and a Senior Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada. 

对话一:在全球贸易和投资领域促进可持续发展 – 机遇与挑战

Panel 1: Promoting Sustainability in Global Trade and Investment: Challenges and Opportunities




Dr. Mabel Miao, Secretary General of CCG

国际青年领袖对话项目(GYLD)发起人兼秘书长,北京市政协委员,中国国际人才专业委员会秘书长,国际人才组织联盟(AGTO)副总干事。中国宋庆龄基金会第八届理事,中国人民对外友好协会中国德国友好协会理事, B20中国工商理事会专家咨询委员会委员,北京外事接待资源评审专家,北京师范大学国际写作中心副总干事。

2016年比利时国王亲自接见的七位全球青年领袖代表之一; 2020年唯一来自中国的慕尼黑安全政策会议青年领袖;2021年再次作为慕安会唯一中国代表对话联合国秘书长古特雷斯;G20(意大利)智库峰会“多边主义与全球治理”专题组联席主席。2021年8月10日,习近平主席给苗绿担任发起人及秘书长的“国际青年领袖对话项目”外籍青年回信。

Dr. Mabel Lu MIAO is the Co-founder and Secretary-General of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading Chinese non-government think tank. Dr. Miao also serves as Founder and Secretary General of Global Young Leaders Dialogue (GYLD) program, Deputy Director General of the Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO), Secretary General of China Global Talent Society, Deputy Director-General of the International Writing Center of Beijing Normal University, and President of CCG Southern Institute of International Talent Research.

Dr. Miao was received by the King of Belgium at his palace as the only one representative of young global leaders from Northeast Asia. She was also selected as 2020 Young Leader for Munich Security Conference (MSC). In 2021, as the only Chinese participant, posted the first question to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres at the Munich Security Conference Special Edition 2021; she was also appointed as Co-Chairman of Think20 (G20 Summit 2021 Think Tank) Task Force.

Dr. Miao holds a Ph.D degree in Modern and Contemporary Chinese Studies from Beijing Normal University. She was also a visiting fellow at New York University and Harvard University, a post-doctoral fellow of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUS), and a Lien Fellow at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.


Panelists (in alphabetic order):


GAO Yuanyuan, President, China Association for International Economic Cooperation

1995.09—1999.05 外经贸部援外司副处长 1999.05—2003.08 驻多哥使馆经济商务参赞 2003.09—2004.05 商务部援外司综合处处长 2004.05—2007.04 商务部援外司商务参赞(副司级) 2007.04—2012.08 商务部援外司副司长 2012.08—2015.02 驻意大利使馆公使衔经济商务参赞(副司级) 2015.02—2020.08 驻法国使馆公使衔参赞(正司级) 2022.06.02 中国国际经济合作学会会长

President Gao Yuanyuan :◎Sep 1995 to May 1999 Deputy Director of Foreign Aid Department, MOFTEC ◎May 1999 to Aug 2003 Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy in Dogo ◎Sep 2003 to May 2004 General Director of Foreign Aid Department, MOFCOM ◎May 2004 to Apr 2007 Business Counselor of Foreign Aid Department,MOFCOM(Deputy Division) ◎Apr 2007 to Aug 2012 Deputy Director of Foreign Aid Department,MOFCOM ◎Aug 2012 to Feb 2015 Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy in Italy (Deputy Division) ◎Feb 2015 to Aug 2020 Minister counsellor of the Embassy in France (Director level) ◎Jun 2022 till now President of the China International Economic Cooperation Society

金  旭,中国国际贸易学会会长

JIN Xu, President, China Association of International Trade

金旭先生拥有丰富的国际商务及外交经验,先后任中国驻土耳其 大使馆三等秘书、供应港澳三趟快车办公室主任、中国驻美国旧 金山总领事馆商务参赞、商务部美洲大洋洲司副司长、商务部国 际商务官员研修学院党委书记兼院长、中国驻英国大使馆公使衔 商务参赞等职务。  1975 年在河南荥阳上山下乡 ,1976 年广州空军 参军入伍 ,1984 年毕业于对外经贸大学国际贸易专业,   1985 年在 爱尔兰三一学院、  1998 年在美国哈佛商学院进修。金旭先生于  2019-2021  年任对外经济贸易大学国际发展合作学院院长 。他目前担任中 国国际贸易学会会长,   英国杜伦大学荣誉教授,全国国际商务专业学位研究生教育指 导委员会委员 ,太和智库高级研究员。

Mr. Jin Xu  has very  rich  professional experience  in  international commerce and diplomacy and has served as the Third Secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Turkey, Director of the Office    of Three Express Cargo Trains to Hong Kong and Macao , Commercial Counsellor of the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, Deputy Director  General  of  the  Department  of  American  and  Oceanian  Trade  Affairs, MOFCOM, and President of Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO), MOFCOM, and  Minister Counsellor for  Economic and  Commercial Affairs  of the Chinese Embassy in the UK.

Mr. Jin Xu was President of International Development Cooperation College, UIBE during 2019-2021. He is now Chairman of China Association of International Trade, Honorary  Professor of Durham  University  (UK), Member of the  National Steering Committee  of  International  Business  Graduate  Education,  and  Senior  Fellow  of Taihe Institute.


Leslie Maasdorp, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, New Development Bank

马磊立于 2015 年 7 月任命担任新开发银行的副行长兼首席财务官。在职期间,   马磊立负 责管理新开发银行的资本市场运营、资金、投资组合管理和会计相关事务。他在环境社会 管治和绿色金融领域是被公认的意见领袖,并于 2016 年领导新开发银行的首次绿色债券发行,并于 2021 年在中国首次发行可持续发展目标债券。

过去的二十五年中,他曾在私营和公共部门担任高级领导。最近的一段经历是他任职为南非美银美林银行的董事总经理兼总裁,为期四年。在此之前,他曾同时担任巴克莱资本和阿布萨资本的副主席。2002 年,他成为第一位被任命为高盛国际公司国际顾问的非洲人。

在从事全球投行业务前,他曾在南非政府服务多任高级领导。1994 年,在南非社会民主化开始后,马磊立担任劳工部长特别顾问,  1999 年,他担任公共企业部副总干事,负责南非政府国有企业的重组和私有化。他是南非领先的私立教育机构 Advtech的前董事长兼首席执行官。马磊立是世界经济论坛的年轻全球领导人,也是阿斯彭研究所的会员。马磊立拥有西开普大学经济学和心理学学 士的双学位及伦敦大学东方与非洲研究学院经济学硕士学位。

Vice  President  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  of  the  New Development Bank.

He was appointed to this role in July 2015. In this capacity, he is responsible  for  the  capital  market  operations,treasury,  portfolio  management  and accounting functions of the Bank. He is a recognized opinion leader in ESG and green finance and led the Bank’s first Green Bond issuance in 2016 and the issuance of the first SDG bond in China in 2021.

Over the past 25 years he has occupied senior leadership roles in both private and public sectors.  Most  recently he served as a  Managing  Director and  President of Bank of America Merrill Lynch for Southern Africa for a period of four years. Prior to that he served in a dual role as Vice Chairman of Barclays Capital and Absa Capital. In 2002 he was the first African to be appointed as International Advisor to Goldman Sachs International.

He is a former Chairman and CEO of Advtech, a leading provider of private education in South Africa. Leslie is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and a fellow of the Aspen Institute. He holds a BA degree in Economics and Psychology from the University of the Western Cape and a Master of Science degree in Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies, at the University of London.

穆  勒,中国瑞士商会名誉主席

Martin Mueller, Honorary Chairman,SwissCham China

SKC集团中国公司和瑞士TriConsult公司的创始人和董事。1989年,他在圣加仑大学(HSG)从事虚拟公司的管理实践开发工作。从1990年起,他在瑞士领先的公司Huber+Suhner AG担任国际销售主管。在超过16年的时间里,他管理并拓展了46个国家的业务。在此期间,他的个人主要客户包括财富100强企业,如空客、洛克希德-马丁、西门子、华为、三星等。作为跨文化业务发展的专家,马丁获得了许多国际市场和行业的专业知识,如移动通信、国防、航空、赛车、可再生能源等。在过去的九年里,他在瑞士中国商会担任过各种董事职务。

Martin Mueller, Honorary Chairman of the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SwissCham), Founder and Director of SKC Group China and TriConsult Switzerland. Martin’s hometown is St. Gallen in eastern Switzerland. Here he obtained several degrees such as Mechanical Engineer, an MBA, a Swiss degree in Marketing and Sales, and more. In 1989 he worked at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) on the development of management practices for virtual companies. From 1990 he was head of international sales at the leading Swiss company Huber+Suhner AG. For more than 16 years, he managed and expanded the business in 46 countries. During that time, his personal key customers included Fortune 100 companies such as Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Siemens, Huawei, Samsung, etc. As an expert in cross-cultural business development, Martin acquired expertise in many international markets and industries, such as mobile communications, defense, aviation, motorsport, renewable energy, and others. In 2008, he founded his own construction consulting firm in Beijing, which specializes in sustainable building and international infrastructure projects. For the past nine years, he has held various board positions at the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in mainland China. During this time, Martin became a popular speaker as an international entrepreneur and China expert.


WANG Yiwei, Jean Monnet Chair Professor


WANG Yiwei is Jean Monnet Chair Professor, Director of Institute of International Affairs, Director of Center for European Studies at Renmin University of China. He is expert adviser of CCPIT Advisory Committee and Turkish TRT World Forum. The Council Member of China Center for International Economic Exchanges, CCIEE) and Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) . He was formerly diplomat at Chinese Mission to the European Union (2008-2011) and distinguished professor at Tongji University (2011-2013), professor of Center for American Studies at Fudan University (2001-2008), visiting professor of Yonsei University (2005) and Fox Fellow of Yale University (2000-2001). His main research interests include Belt & Road Studies, European Integration, Public Diplomacy, Chinese foreign policy and EU-China relations.


Panel 2: Sharing China’s Opportunities in Global Cross-border Trade




Victor Gao, Vice President of CCG


Victor GAO is Chair Professor of Soochow University, Chairman of China Energy Security Institute; Vice President of the Center for China and Globalization; Vice Chairman of China Beidou Industrial Promotion Organization, a member of the Beijing Energy Club, a Member of the Global Counsel of Asia Society in New York City, a member of the International Advisory Board of the Energy Intelligence Group in London; an advisor to Saudi Aramco and a member of the Board of Directors of several listed companies in Hong Kong.
Victor Gao has extensive experience in government, diplomacy, securities regulation, legal, investment banking, PE, corporate management and media. Victor was Deng Xiaoping’s English interpreter in the 1980s. Victor served as the China Policy Advisor at the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission in 1999 and 2000. 
Victor holds a J.D. from Yale Law School, a M.A. in International Relations from the Political Science Department of Yale Graduate School, an M.A. in English from Beijing University of Foreign Studies, and a B.A. in English from Suzhou University, and is a licensed attorney-at-law in the State of New York. Since 2004, Victor has been the Chairman of the Yale Law School Association of China.


Panelists (in alphabetic order):

计  芳,德勤中国政府及公共服务行业合伙人

JI Fang, Partner, Deloitte China Government & Public Services

计芳女士拥有近20年的专业服务经验。计女士服务过的客户包括地方政府部门、金融机构、大型国有企业等。 计女士拥有中国律师执业资格及美国纽约州律师执业资格,同时还拥有中国注册税务师资格。重新加入德勤前,计女士曾先后任职于德勤和中外知名律师事务所,拥有丰富的商业法律服务经验。计女士拥有美国哥伦比亚大学法学硕士学位、英国伦敦政治经济学院法学硕士学位以及北京大学法学学士学位,工作语言是中文和英文。 在政府服务,尤其是自贸区建设、营商环境提升和招商引资咨询服务方面,计女士拥有丰富的政策研究工作经验。

Lily has over 19 years professional experience. Her practice areas include foreign direct investments, outbound investments and government services.

Lily holds the PRC legal professional qualification and was admitted to the New York State Bar.  She is also a PRC Certified Tax Agent. Prior to joining Deloitte, Lily worked at international and domestic leading law firms.  She holds an LL.M. from Columbia University, an LL.M. in taxation from the London School of Economics and an LL.B. from Peking University.


LI Wenfeng, Vice President, China Chamber of Commerce for Import 


Li Wenfeng, male, researcher, received his Ph.D. degree in economics from the Institute of Economic Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2001, attended public management training at Boston University in 2001 organized by the Ministry of Commerce, and attended public management training at Duke University in 2005 organized by the Ministry of China and the State Administration of Foreign Experts, He worked in the Political Research Office of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Policy Research Office of the Ministry of Commerce, as Deputy Director and Director. Now he is the Vice President and Secretary General of China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Light Industry and Handicrafts. In 2019, he participated in the preliminary work of the National Development and Reform Commission’s “14th Five-Year Plan” on the topic of high-level opening up. 

罗  岩(Emily Luo),中国丹麦商会华北区董事会董事

LIU Chang, Vice President, Cargill Investment China

威卢克斯(中国)有限公司高级战略顾问;中国丹麦商会董事;全球气候创新和治理中心研究员;跨国公司碳中和50人论坛副秘书长。先后在挪威驻华大使馆商务处及中国丹麦商会任职二十余年,熟悉北欧产业及文化。 自2019年6月起加入丹麦威卢克斯。作为公司的战略顾问,致力于主动式建筑、碳中和、北欧特别是丹麦健康生活等可持续发展理念和实践在中国的传播;致力于将北欧及丹麦企业的优势与中国的双碳目标相结合,积极为中国的高质量发展做出贡献。

Emily Luo is Senior Strategy Advisor of VELUX China; Board Member of Danish Chamber of Commerce in China; Fellow of Global Climate Innovation & Governance Center; Deputy Secretary General of the MNC Forum for Carbon Neutrality. Emily has a wealth of experience working with Nordic companies and countries, familiar with Nordic industries and cultures. She has served for Innovation Norway at Norwegian Embassy and the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China over the past two decades. Emily worked for VELUX China since June 2019. As a strategic advisor of the company, she is dedicated to promoting the concepts and practices of sustainable growth in China , ranging from sustainable buildings Active House to carbon neutrality and Danish healthy lifestyle; integrating advantages of Nordic and Danish enterprises into China’s dual carbon goals to help China’s high-quality growth.

罗维坚(Loh Wee Keng),中国马来西亚商会会长

Loh Wee Keng, President, Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (MayCham)

罗维坚先生于 1995 年来华开启他的事业版图,他在巴伐利亚汽车公司任职区域经理(大中华地区)巴伐利亚汽车公司是一家德国整装汽车的宝马进口商,后来被中汽南方投资集团收购)。罗先生在中国更广为人知的业务是在食品营销和进出口贸易。罗先生在 2004 年开始涉猎国际贸易市场,熟悉产品制造和营销流程,成功地将马来西亚食品带到了中国。罗先生是乐家环球(北京)咨询有限公司的掌舵人,为马来西亚-中国双边贸易的企业提供商业咨询服务。除此以外,他也有进出口汽车零件和动物饲料等产品。罗先生是中国马来西亚商会的创始成员之一,他在商会中曾担任过多项职务,包括会员部主任、交际和体育部主任、商务理事、副秘书长和副会长。


MAYCHAM China Sitting Chairman Managing Director at Regal Plus (Beijing) Loh Wee Keng started his China journey in 1995 as Regional Manager (Greater China Area) at Automobile Bavarian (The first BMW importer to assemble the vehicle outside Germany which was later bought over by SCAS Investment Group  But Loh Wee Keng is most notable for his remarkable work in the food and trading industry in China. In the year 2004, he ventured into the international trading business especially in manufacturing and distributing food and brought the taste of Malaysia to China. Loh Wee Keng frequently features in local media and has been the spokesperson for Malaysia and its most celebrated fruit – Durian. Like many Malaysian people of Chinese descent, Loh speaks fluently in Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Malay
Expertise: Food Distribution, Agriculture, Business Consulting, Automotive, Trading


SUI Mingmei, Vice President, China Association of National Advertisers


Ms. Sui Mingmei, Vice President of the China Association of National Advertisers(CANA),a national association whose competent business department is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Former Director of the Finance and Economics Department of the Economic Daily, and senior journalist. Long term attention to the issue of ecological civilization construction, committed to the dissemination and promotion of the profound value of renewable energy and related industries to human civilization, and has won multiple China News Awards. For long-term commitment to ecological construction and sustainable development, she was awarded the National Advanced Individual in Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction during the 11th Five Year Plan and the May 1st Labor Medal. After being appointed as the Vice President of the China Association of National Advertisers, she continued to promote the construction of cross industry ecological civilization, especially the green and low-carbon development of the logistics and packaging industry.


Panel 3: Exploring New Paths for Win-win International Business Cooperation in the New Era




Mike Liu, Vice President and Senior Fellow of CCG; Former Managing Director of DXC Technology Greater China

中国国际人才专业委员会副会长。刘宏曾在多家知名企业工作,包括IBM和Accenture等,在信息技术和企业管理方面拥有丰富的经验。刘宏在北京大学获得了工学学士学位,在加州伯克利分校取得了工商管理硕士学位。刘宏先生拥有30多年在跨国公司和互联网领域的工作经验。他是美国资本科技公司DXC Technology(原惠普企业服务)在大中华地区的总裁。他也是中国国际人才专业委员会的副会长,该委员会是中国政府组织的国际人才交流合作平台。在加入DXC Technology之前,刘宏先生担任过雅虎中国和微软中国的高管职位。他曾在美国航空航天局(NASA)工作,负责管理卫星数据的全球交换网络。他还曾在AT&T贝尔实验室和AT&T电力研究所工作,担任高级软件工程师和高级系统工程师。刘宏先生是北京大学信息管理学士和华盛顿大学信息管理硕士的毕业生。他曾担任中国信息产业协会,中国互联网协会和亚洲互联网论坛的嘉宾演讲人,并为各种国际和国内会议撰写演讲和发表文章。

Mike Liu is an accomplished executive with 30+ years of professional experience in digital transformation, operational excellence, cross culture leadership development and market growth strategies with leading technology multinationals.Mike is the former Managing Director and legal Rep for DXC Technology in Greater China region, and before that Mike was the global Vice President, Country Head and legal Rep for Infosys in Greater China region. Mike’s experience spans across Greater China, US, Singapore, and India where Mike has demonstrated his unique capacity to accomplish the growth agenda for the organizations he has served.Mike is a frequent speaker at various industry forums. Mike has been invited to participate in the Summer Davos in 2017, the Business Summit of BRICS in 2017, and Qingdao Multinationals Summit in 2019. Mike is the recipients of Top 10 Figures in China Outsourcing Industry and Top 100 Figures in China IT and Service Industry. 


Panelists (in alphabetic order):


Jiang Yunying, Principal and Chief consultant of Consumer Goods & Retail, Roland Berger

副合伙人 罗兰贝格 复旦大学, 电子工程系学士,辅修会计学; 超过12年战略和管理咨询经验,曾于阿里巴巴集团任职高级战略咨询专家,致力于用户体验/增长战略; 在消费者洞察、数字化转型、业务组织流程优化、精细化商品体系搭建、卓越零售与通路等方面经验丰富;擅长组织研讨会帮助达成业务共识; 带领超过10个生态平台合作项目,服务包括天猫(美妆/快消、宠物、天猫奢品、盒马、零售通)、抖音(巨量引擎、抖音电商KOL)、京东零售(IOT、中东出海)、百度集团(品牌/公关体系、百度云)、得物等; 为某新消费美妆品牌制定数字化消费者增长战略,长期陪伴品牌建设、数字能力提升及电商增长策略; 某全球TOP2快消品企业数字化转型项目,设计端到端顾客体验旅程,对四个战略场景落地; 某本土领先运动消费品集团五年品类增长计划、品牌消费者洞察体系搭建、线上/下协同整合营销;帮助制定未来五年的集团数字化增长蓝图及场景设计; 新加坡樟宜机场免税店定位、美妆品牌商品组合策略及卓越零售策略设计。

Bachelor of Science, Fudan University.

Kathy Jiang is currently a senior project manager and chief expert in the  firm’s  Consumer  Goods  and  Retail. With  over  10  years  of consulting  experience, she  leverages  her  expertise  in  corporate’s digital acceleration, omni-channel customer journey, merchandising and  route-to-market  excellence,  and  business  growth  strategy  to help clients in Greater China.Her  client  portfolio  includes  leading  FMCG  companies,  Food  &Beverage companies, fashion and sportswear retailers, department stores, and private equity funds. Prior to joining Roland Berger, Kathy Jiang served Alibaba Group as a senior strategist, with a focus on user  growth  and  experience, and  another  leading  international strategy consultancy as a project leader.

刘  畅,嘉吉投资中国区副总裁

LIU Chang, Vice President, Cargill Investment China

曾任克诺尔(中国)副总裁,中国区核心管理团队成员,泰雷兹(中国)副总裁,中国区核心管理团队成员;西门子(中国)有限公司市场及业务拓展总监、政府事务总监;德国海瑞克公司北京代表处首席代表(中国);德国海瑞克公司销售及市场高级经理(德国);中国驻外使馆官员;北京青年政治学院教师。经济学博士,工商管理硕士。刘畅拥有 20 年行业经验,涵盖世界 500 强跨国企业,政府机构,高等院校等。

She has 20 years of industry experience, covering the World’s top 500 multinational companies, government agencies and colleges. With abundant experience and in-depth understanding in policy and regulation analysis and their impacts on the development of foreign invested enterprises in China, she is quite capable of cultivating and enhancing interactions with corporate and government stakeholders concerning policy advice and consultation.She is an active member of the foreign business community and currently serves as the Deputy Secretary General of the Global CEO Council and Chair of European Chamber’s Government Affairs Forum. Prior to Cargill, she had served as Vice President Government Affairs, BD & Marketing for Knorr-Bremse AP, Vice President of Thales (China), Member of ECM; Director of Marketing and Business Development, Director of Government Affairs of Siemens (China) Co., Ltd.; Chief Representative of Beijing Representative Office of Herrenknecht (China); Senior Manager of Sales and Marketing of Herrenknecht AG (Germany); Official at China Embassy; Lecturer of Beijing Youth Politics College. She holds PHD in Economics and MBA.


WEI Zhide, Managing Director of Operations, FedEx China


Managing Director, Operations, FedEx China Head of Sustainability Program for FedEx China and the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region Bryan Wei is Managing Director of China Operations at FedEx Express. Mr. Wei assumed the role in June 2020 and is responsible for North China Gateway Operations and leading the business across North China, Northeast China, Central China, Northwest China. Mr. Wei is the head of sustainability program for FedEx China and the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region. Prior to that, Mr. Wei joined TNT Express Taiwan in 1999, moved to Shanghai as Major Account Manager of the Marketing & Sales Department in 2004, and became the Director of Greater China Operations in 2013, managing operations related to Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.




徐  杨,运去哪联合创始人兼首席运营官

XU Yang, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, YQNLink

2015年联合创立亚洲最大的“互联网+国际物流”一站式国际物流在线服务平台“运去哪”,带领团队整合全球海运、空运、铁运、多式联运、拖车、报关、保险、海外仓、目的港等优质资源,率先实现在线服务平台全流程可视化,通过任务流驱动来简化流程,降低综合物流成本,经过8年多发展,运去哪在全球设有24家分公司,与全球超过300家船司+航司达成合作,优质供应商达3500+,在北美、欧洲地区9+海外仓,面积达180万+平方英尺。 她个人先后荣获中国航运界十大杰出青年、2022福布斯中国商界20位潜力女性 ,36氪「X·36Under36」超级创业者等。

Alice Xu, YQNLink Co-founder&COO Alice Xu is the co-founder of YQNLink, the largest one-stop international logistics service platform in Asia founded in 2015. YQNLink provides transportation of sea, air, rail,Sea-railway multimodal container, trucking,and customs clearance, insurance, overseas warehousing, destination port services, and other selective transportation resources worldwide. The service online reduces the logistics cost, and simplifies the logistics process through new task flows, and the original visualized full-process tracking. After 8 years of development, YQNLink has established 24 global offices ,partnered with over 300 top carriers in the world (including shipping lines and airlines) , over 3500 suppliers. We also operate more than 9 overseas warehouses in North America, covering over 1.8 million square feet. 



Xu Hongcai,Deputy Director of Economic Policy Committee, China Policy Science Research Association


Dr. Xu Hongcai is an invited senior researcher of CCG, a famous economist and a visiting scholar of University of British Columbia, Canada. He is currently the deputy director of the Economic Policy Committee of the China Society for Policy Science. He was the editor of the first Chinese book “The Complete Book of Investment Fund Operation” and “Investment Banking”. He has published more than 10 books, including “The Age of Change: China and Global Economic Governance”, “China’s Economy in the Context of Globalization”, and “The Great Power Financial Strategy: Strategies and Directions for China’s Financial Power”; he has published more than 300 articles and research reports. He has traveled to the United States and Europe several times to attend international seminars and deliver academic lectures.