1. The Significance of International Business论国际商业的重要性中国瑞士商会会长,中国SKC集团创始人兼董事马丁·穆勒(Martin Mueller)
2. A Roadmap to Bolstering EU-China Relations巩固欧盟—中国关系的路线图中国欧盟商会主席伍德克(Jörg Wuttke)
3. Candor, Wisdom and Persistence – the keys to stabilizing the all-important economic relationship between China and the U.S. 稳定中美至关重要的经济关系的三大法宝:坦诚、智慧和坚持不懈前美国政府助理贸易代表夏尊恩(Timothy P. Stratford)
4. The Impact of Decoupling on US Employment中美“脱钩”对美国就业的影响美中贸易全国委员会主席克雷格·艾伦(Craig Allen)
5. Threading the Needle: US and Silicon Valley Business in a Changing China突破困境:变局下的中国与在华美国硅谷企业美国湾区委员会经济研究所所长肖恩·伦道夫(Sean Randolph)
6. Growing UK-China Trade within the Multilateral Frameworks of the Asia-Pacific Region在亚太地区的多边框架内发展英中贸易英中贸易协会政策分析师约瑟夫·卡什(Joseph Cash)
7. Continued Clear and Practical Reform Policies Will Create a Positive Environment for French Companies in China明确有效的持续性改革政策将为在华法国公司营造积极环境中国法国工商会会长乐睿思(Christophe Laura)
8. China’s Growing Presence in Brazil and Latin America中国在巴西和拉丁美洲的投资不断增加中国巴西—中国企业家委员会主席路易斯·奥古斯托·德卡斯特罗·内维斯(Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves)
Part II Analysis and Advice
9. Key Opportunities for China to Lead Globalization 3.0中国引领“全球化3.0”时代的关键机遇普华永道中国区域经济主管合伙人张立钧(James Chang)
10. Five Reasons for Confidence in China’s Economic Future对中国经济未来充满信心的五大原因埃森哲大中华区主席朱虹(Samantha Zhu)
11. Transition and opportunity: investing in and benefiting from China’s new development paradigm转型与机遇:投资于中国的新发展模式并从中获益毕马威全球中国业务发展中心冯柏文(Vaughn Barber)
12. Continued acceleration of the reform of China’s Capital Markets still needed中国资本市场的改革仍需继续加速推进亚洲证券业与金融市场协会首席执行官马克·奥斯汀(Mark Austen)
13. China, Deglobalization, and the Multinational: What does the next decade hold for multinational companies from the East and West?中国、逆全球化和跨国公司:未来十年,东西方跨国公司将走向何方?贝恩公司大中华区总裁韩微文(Weiwen Han)
14. Can Chinese giants become multinational companies中国行业巨头能否成为跨国公司? 罗兰贝格全球管理委员会联席总裁戴璞(Denis Depoux)
Part III On The Ground
第三部分 跨国公司在华经营案例
15. Airbus—a Solid, Reliable and Trustworthy Long-term Partner for China空中客车是中国坚实可靠、值得信赖的长期合作伙伴空中客车(公司)首席执行官徐岗(Xu Gang)
16. The remarkable rise of premium automobiles in China中国高档汽车市场的瞩目崛起戴姆勒大中华区董事长兼首席执行官唐仕凯(Hubertus Troska)
17. Being Chinese in China to Ensure a Win-Win Solution: Michelin’s Goals for Development in China与中国共同成长以实现双赢:米其林在华发展目标 米其林中国区总裁伟书杰(Kamran Vossoughi)
18. A Look at the Digital Economy in Terms of Talent Using the LinkedIn Economic Graph基于领英经济图谱从人才角度审视数字经济 前领英中国公共事务总经理王延平(Yanping Wang)19. Why are Adaptive Learning Organizations better placed to succeed in the future? Insights from Research on Adaptive Learning Organization by NIIT & John Bersin Academy为何自适应学习型组织将来更有可能获得成功?NIIT和John Bersin学院对自适应学习型组织研究的启示 NIIT(印度国家信息学院)中国区总裁柯谋(Kamal Dhuper)
20. International Educational Testing Development in a post-COVID China Context: Five Trends for the future of Educational Testing 后疫情时代中国国际教育测试发展趋势:教育测试未来五大发展趋势 ETS中国区总裁王梦妍(Mengyan Wang)
22. Opportunities and Challenges in Health and Nutrition Industry with the Rise of Younger Consumers年轻消费者群体的崛起,保健品行业面临的机遇与挑战帝斯曼康宝莱(中国)董事长郑群怡(Qunyi Zheng)