【CGTN】重磅!CGTN携手全球化智库,10条建议应对中美贸易紧张局势 | CGTN joins hands with CCG



The signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement between China Global Television Network (CGTN) and the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a Chinese independent think tank, was held in Beijing on Mar 27.


Jiang Heping, CGTN controller; Long Yongtu, chairman of CCG; and Wang Huiyao, president of CCG, presented at the ceremony alongside hundreds of experts and scholars, as well as representatives from political, business and media circles at home and abroad.

Long and Jiang delivered speeches successively, declaring the strengthened cooperation between the think tank and the media would benefit both sides and contribute high-quality ideas to the world.


Following the signing ceremony, the first CGTN-CCG high-end forum was held, during which CCG suggested 10 measures aimed at fostering stable Sino-US trade ties, as tensions between the world’s two largest economies have recently rippled through markets.

1. 加强对美包括从精英到普通民众的宣传,阐明中美贸易赤字在全球化分工下的本质。

Campaign for a new mode of analyzing trade effects that would more accurately reflect how much US companies gain from the bilateral trade deficit, given the forces of the global value chains; and insist on including trade in services which China runs a large deficit with the US, such as tourism, education spending, immigration-oriented investments in the trade deficit analysis. 

2. 美国要放宽包括高科技公司在内的对华出口,实现双方的共赢。

Lift the excessive export limits, especially on high tech products from American companies. This could be beneficial for US enterprises and would help balance the trade deficits of both nations.

3. 扩大对美国商品进口,降低汽车、手机、奢侈品等非关乎国计民生产品的关税,增加对美的能源产品、农产品等进口。让利国内消费者,同时可以消减中美贸易差额。

Increase imports from the US, including consumer goods, energy, and agricultural products while reducing tariffs on goods such as automobiles and other high-value-added American products that are not central to the national economy, therefore fulfilling China’s WTO commitments.

4. 改善营商环境,扩大开放, 营造有利于外资发展的氛围,从而让这些外企积极促使其所在国放弃贸易保护主义立场。

Improve business environment and implement policies that have been long called forth to reduce barriers of market entry for US companies. 

5. 积极促成中美跨境电商协议的达成,利用电商来为中美两国的企业和消费者提供就业以及优惠产品的红利。

Promote the agreement between China and the US on cross-border e-commerce to benefit small businesses and consumers in both countries with substantial employment opportunities. 

6. 加强对知识产权的保护,切实包括外资在内的广大企业的知识产权权益。

Extend the protection of intellectual property rights to foreign companies or taking foreign IP regulations into account. 

7. 探讨成立中美基础设施投资基金,推动中美在基建领域合作。

Consider the establishment of an investment fund to help the US upgrade its infrastructure, capitalizing on China’s advanced technology and expertise in the field. 

8. 谋求在“一带一路”倡议上与美国企业合作尤其是海外的第三国市场。

Enlist the participation of American companies in Belt and Road projects as third party partners. 

9. 从长远角度, 把握机会寻求加入TPP, 推动WTO、RCEP 等多边贸易体系的进展,寻求更多的力量来推动全球自由贸易发展。

Seize the opportunity to join the CPTPP discussions and facilitate the progress of multilateral trade systems building such as WTO, RCEP to sustain the momentum for global free trade. 

10. 利用WTO 贸易规则,对美的违反WTO 规则的做法进行上诉。

Appeal cases of US violation of the WTO rules to the appellate body.

文章选自CGTN Official,2018年3月27日